Attorney: Migrants were kidnapped

Self says she and other immigration attorneys believe actions were illegal.

Attorney Rachel Self holds up a map that was given to the migrants on Sept. 15. -Eunki Seonwoo


An attorney who specializes in immigration law says what happened to the 50 people brought to Martha’s Vineyard may be considered kidnapping.

Rachel Self, an Island attorney, issued a statement saying that she is looking at potential legal avenues after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took credit for sending the 50 people to Martha’s Vineyard on two planes.

“The response to this crisis among the legal and humanitarian communities, and the Martha’s Vineyard community at large, has been nothing short of incredible,” Self wrote. “The people who arrived last night are not alone, and we will make sure they know it – this is what our community is all about. We welcome them, and we are deeply grateful for the opportunity to help them in any way we can.”

Self said she will pursue all legal remedies. “We believe they are victims of kidnapping, and the perpetrators of this breathtakingly cruel political stunt should know that it may well result in every individual who was induced onto those planes by fraud becoming eligible for a U visa. A U visa is a nonimmigrant visa granted to victims who cooperate with law enforcement, prosecutors, or other authorities in the investigation of a crime, and in the First Circuit (the Federal jurisdiction which includes Massachusetts), people with pending U visas are protected from deportation,” Self wrote. “We call on federal, state, and local authorities to collect and preserve evidence, beginning with the tail numbers of the aircraft used in the commission of this offense. Using human beings – families and children – as political pawns says far more about Governor DeSantis’s callousness and disregard for human life than it does about the people of Martha’s Vineyard. He sent those planes here hoping to expose hypocrisy; he does not believe anyone when they say they care about people like migrants fleeing an oppressive socialist regime in Venezuela, because he himself cannot conceive of caring about them. He’s made it perfectly clear he views them as subhuman. He has revealed nothing but his own heartlessness – and the truth that the people of Martha’s Vineyard are as good as it gets and better embody the moral values he purports to have.”

On Thursday night, Self and other immigration attorneys from Lawyers for Civil Rights met with reporters after speaking with some of the migrants a little after 7 pm. According to Lawyers for Civil Rights staff attorney Miriam Albert, they met with nearly all of the migrants in collaboration with pro bono attorneys “who have rapidly mobilized to provide free legal support.”

“We have seen family and children who have lived through a harrowing experience and today we are providing them with an overview of what they could expect as they go through the immigration process,” Albert said. The next steps are connecting migrants with attorneys to provide them “ongoing legal representation.” Albert said all civil and criminal legal options will be explored to “hold the perpetrators accountable and to prevent this injustice from repeating itself.”

“We are keeping all options on the table and we certainly want to make sure what happened here does not repeat again,” Lawyers for Civil Rights executive director Iván Espinoza-Madrigal said. “No one should be transported across the country without knowing exactly how they’re going to be received, where they’re going to be received. They are blessed to have landed in a place that is incredibly welcoming and warm, and they are extremely grateful to have the support. But, things could have gone very differently. This is a human rights violation, this is a constitutional violation, and we will hold the states and perpetrators accountable to the fullest extent of the law. This will not go unanswered.” 

During the question and answer session, Self said the migrants have a kind, grateful demeanor and “they just want to do everything right.”

“Their biggest concern today is that many of them have dates to appear in San Antonio Monday morning. Tacoma, Washington Monday morning. Washington, D.C. Monday morning,” she said. “Their biggest concern is compliance.”

Self also held up maps that vaguely showed the migrants where they were being taken on the planes. One map showed the entire United States with a straight line from Texas to Massachusetts. The other showed a map of Martha’s Vineyard and said “you are here” and “welcome to Massachusetts.” 

When a reporter brought up the point that these maps show the migrants were notified where they were headed, Self replied, “you tell me how they know where this is. Really. Have you ever heard the tourists who say ‘I’m going to the Cape and Islands this summer’ and they spell it Capon? Many people don’t know where they are right now, but we’re going to make sure they know where they are and they absolutely know there’s community here, they absolutely know they’re not alone, and we’re going to make sure they are able to comply and do everything right because that’s all they’re trying to do.” 

Self said this is a “minute by minute” situation, but at this point the situation is not a crisis and is under control. She also gave a shout-out to Trader Fred’s in Edgartown for donating underwear. 

There were some answers Self did not have available, such as whether the agencies she mentioned were collaborating with the perpetrators, who was exactly to blame, or whether more migrants will arrive.

State Sen.Julian Cyr, D-Truro, arrived at St. Andrew’s Church Thursday evening just before 6 pm and said “human trafficking” or “other crimes” were at play in how the migrants were treated and brought to the Vineyard. 

Self told The Times in a text message Thursday night that opportunity and reward was somehow falsely pitched to the migrants.

“Accounts from the migrants who arrived last night make it clear that they were lied to again and again and fraudulently induced to board the planes,” Self wrote. “They were told there was a ‘surprise present’ for them, and that there would be jobs and housing awaiting them when they arrived. This was, obviously a sadistic lie — not only did those responsible for this stunt know that there was no housing and no employment awaiting the migrants, they also very intentionally chose not to call ahead, to any single office or authority on Martha’s Vineyard, so that even the most basic human needs arrangements could be made. Ensuring that no help awaited the migrants at all was the entire point.”

Self wrote that she believed the migrants were duped in a scheme rigged in such a way they would be thrown out of the country. 

“They were provided with a cartoonishly simple map of Martha’s Vineyard and the United States, and a brief brochure containing snippets from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts website—and instructions to report their change of address to USCIS when they relocated,” Self wrote. “This is especially troubling, as anyone with even the most basic understanding of immigration proceedings knows that USCIS was not the agency with whom the migrants would have to record their address, and has nothing to do with their cases in any way. It is clear this was an intentional attempt to ensure the migrants were removed in absentia when they failed to change their address with the proper agency. This was a purposeful derailment designed to prevent people from complying with federal immigration policies. This is problematic because the state should not be interfering in federal immigration policy. Before they boarded the planes, the migrants were processed by agents of the Department of Homeland Security, who listed falsified addresses on the migrants’ paperwork. Agents apparently chose random homeless shelters all across the country, from Washington State to Florida, to list the migrants’ mailing addresses, even when told by the migrants that they had no address in the U.S. According to the paperwork provided to them, the migrants are required to check in with the ICE office nearest the fake address chosen for them by DHS, or be permanently removed—with some required to check in as soon as this coming Monday. It couldn’t be clearer that this is an attempt to ensure that these people are ordered removed, even if they can comply with the instructions provided to them. There is no other reason to list as someone’s mailing address a homeless shelter in Tacoma, WA and then ship them to Massachusetts. It is sickeningly cruel.”

Self described the migrants’ treatment as “inhuman” and pledged they will be supported on the Vineyard. 

“Throwing obstacles in the way of people fleeing violence and oppression, some of whom walked through ten countries in hope of finding safety, is shameful and inhuman,” Self wrote. “Many of these victims are deprived of medical care despite clear existing injuries. These people are human beings who were deprived of basic human rights. To the people who find themselves plane wrecked on our Island, I have a message for you. You are not alone. We have your backs. We got you. If the intention of those who perpetrated this horrendous act was to create a crisis, they have failed.” 

Self repeated her points during her comments Thursday night.

She’s not alone. Jules Bernstein, a Chilmark attorney who has argued labor law before the U.S. Supreme Court, also called the actions by DeSantis potentially criminal in a letter to The Times citing a federal law that makes it illegal for anyone who “transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise.”

Edgartown Police Chief Bruce McNamee and Oak Bluffs Police Chief Jonathan Searle told The Times there is no active local criminal investigation and they doubt that it’s in their jurisdiction. Island emergency personnel have been concentrating on getting the individuals what they need, McNamee said.

Cape and Islands District Attorney Michael O’Keefe questioned whether there was anything criminal.

“We prosecute, in the DA’s office, criminal activity. If somebody alleges that a crime has been committed, and there is probable cause to believe it, the police would take action by way of conducting an investigation. And then present the matter to the DA’s office if they were concerned about whether they had enough to proceed criminally.”

In response to Self’s allegation that crimes have been committed, including kidnapping, O’Keefe questioned, “what evidence does this attorney have?’”

When asked by The Times if the individuals on the plane, having been transported to a location unbeknownst to them, would be deemed criminal, O’Keefe asked if those complaints have been filed with local law enforcement. He said it would be up to the towns — and sheriff — to “amass any evidence.” 

O’Keefe said criminal charges could potentially be pursued “If [local law enforcement] amassed any evidence that would show somebody was kidnapped or be brought to a place to be put into some kind of slavery or somethign of that nature.” He said “in order for there to be any consequence from that, there’d have to be an investigation by the police, and the amassing of some evidence.”

O’Keefe said he has not heard any suggestion that a crime has been committed, “or that [the migrants] are fearful.”

U.S. Rep. Bill Keating D-Bourne, who is a former Norfolk County DA, told The Times Thursday afternoon he couldn’t recall any criminal statute that would apply to the migrant’s plight. “I’m curious as to why everyone aboard thought they were going to Boston,” Keating said, “and all of a sudden it was diverted to the Vineyard. So I think it would be interesting to find out how that occurred or if that was the destination in the first place … beyond that I don’t think it’s a crime.”

Nonetheless, Keating deemed what the migrants have been subjected to as repugnant. Keating went on to say the migrants “were told they would have jobs and housing” and were led to “a vacant parking lot near Community Services.”

Keating said the migrants “were very anxious to leave” from what he’s learned has become a “crowded” situation. 

“They thought they were heading to Boston,” he said. Some of those people, he said, “had other connections planned from Boston.” 

In response to comments that Martha’s Vineyard does not have an existing infrastructure or plan to handle a situation such as this, and is not set up in a way that allows the Island to be prepared for an influx of migrants, O’Keefe responded, “and Arizona and New Mexico are?”

“My respectful suggestion would be to talk to the police and see whether or not they are conducting an investigation with respect to whether there’s a violation to a Massachusetts statute here.” 

O’Keefe said he has not been engaged by any entities regarding the unfolding situation prior to speaking with The Times. 

When The Times asked on Thursday night whether Self had any comment about O’Keefe’s reluctance to call the migrants’ situation a kidnapping, she said, “I think he might not be familiar with the federal statutes that are available to these people.”

U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins told The Boston Globe editorial board that “nothing is off the table.” According to the Globe, Rollins plans to speak with colleagues in other jurisdictions “looking for a uniform response.”

Just before the buses left Friday morning from Edgartown, Domingo Garcia, president of the League of Latin American Citizens, spoke to reporters. “These are human beings,” he said. “They’re just being treated like disposable human beings for political purposes.”

The migrants were lured with promises of jobs and housing, he said. “We’re filing a complaint with the Department of Justice asking them to review possible charges and civil rights violations,” Garcia said. A letter has been sent to the U.S. Attorney General asking for an investigation into the tactics being used by DeSantis and Governor Greg Abbott of Texas. “Some of the immigrants told me they were promised they were going to get three months of work. They were going to get free housing and free transportation and it was all a terrible lie.”


Reporters Abigail Rosen and Rich Saltzberg contributed to this report.


  1. De Santis graduated from Yale and Harvard Law School and served honorably in the Navy with many distinguished awards. Where did the lawyer opining above go to school.? Kidnapping indeed———-laughable.

    • andy– so anyone who goes to an ivy league college is allowed to interpret the law as it applies to them ? Attacking the credentials of someone who questions whether a crime was committed is laughable– and disgusting– and immature- and not relevant, and in this case politically motivated.
      So if De Satanist did in fact deceive people and transport them across state lines, is that ok ?
      If that’s the case, I will personally buy a few bus tickets for some homeless vets I meet on the streets of Boston this winter, and tell them there are jobs and housing waiting for them in Melbourne Beach Florida. I’m sure I could raise a lot of money on a go fund me site to spare some homeless vets in Boston from the potentially lethal effects of a severe winter.
      Much more humane to offer free bus rides for our unfortunate veterans who are suffering from ptsd to affluent islands in Florida.
      I’m sure you wouldn’t complain, as Christians would always welcome the destitute- especially wealthy Christians since they know about the camel and the needle and getting into heaven analogy.

    • Engelman, that’s a ridiculous comment, even for you. Are you supportive of this amoral, unchristian cruelty against these men, women, and children, luring them with promises of jobs and housing and telling them they’re going to Boston? Or are you supporting desantis because you like his, shall we say, “policies”— like you supported Trump despite his paying a porn star, stiffing contractors, lying about covid, inciting an insurrection, the Big Lie, etc. Is this latest Repugnant amoral creep “chosen” too, just like you said Trump was? I’d really like to know what you stand for or against when it comes to respecting human life… when they’re not like you.

    • In related news, officials from Harvard Law School will be voluntarily taking a flight to a know destination — Ron DeSantis’s residence and office where, accompanied by FBI agents, they will confiscate the JD degree they erroneously awarded him and bring it back to the university, where it will be granted permanent asylum from its previous owner’s continuous abuse and degradation.

  2. I am very surprised to learn that there is nothing illegal about taking a group of vulnerable people, promising to take them to a specific location where they can get specific help or make connections to safety, and then take them somewhere else.

    • Agreed Don’t forget about the fraudulent addresses that homeland security agents submitted on their behalf.
      It the real world I’d be fired.

  3. Lets get it straight…kidnapping is against ones will. Were any of them tied up, blindfolded and FORCED to get on that charter flight. Let’s face it…they did it of their own free will.

    • The argument for free will requires informed consent. When you lie to people about their destination, you’re stripping them of the ability to make an informed choice. Kidnapping in the legal sense covers a much broader area than what you see in the movies. No blindfold is required.

    • They were lured. Promised jobs and housing. Kidnappings are not all violent abductions. Candy. Puppies. Jobs. Just get in the car, bus, or airplane…

      • Jackie, yes they were lured to this country with the false hope of free health care, housing and employment. By Joe Biden!

        • carl– you know that undocumented migrants are not eligible for any of the things you mention here. Yes, it’s America– we won’t let them die in the parking lot of a hospital. But really,
          If they think they can get all these entitlements, they are not getting that information from official government sources. They are getting it from right wing media sources that are lying about what the Government is offering to refugees.
          It’s kind of bizarre if you think about it.
          Fox keeps lying about what the Feds are offering. You bought it, and you are likely more aware than they are. So why blame them if they think they get free housing and a guaranteed job ?
          You will not find a single notice from the government to refugees offering them anything of the sort.
          They hear it on fox all the time.
          How would they know that fox lies about everything that will get them ratings ?

          • Don, you are very patient to try to correct the ignorant, factually-challenged responses that follow my comments around like a dog trying to get my attention. I ignore it. Maybe you should, too.

    • If your child was lured into a van with promises of cookies and chocolate, would you still hold the same opinion? I think not!

    • I don’t know ,Bob– let me ask you, when these people got on the plane, do you think there were any armed Texass rangers watching them ?
      Do you think they knew where they were going ?
      As Jackie says, if someone asks a little girl if she wants some candy to help find a lost puppy, is the little girl getting into the car voluntarily ?
      Once she gets in, all bets are off as to what happens?
      Tell it to the judge.
      These people were told they were going to Boston where they had jobs and housing waiting for them .
      No problem lying , right ? It’s the republican way.

    • Actually, the law is broader in its definition of kidnapping. Transporting a person by inveiglement (false pretense, trickery, etc.) is also grounds for bringing a charge of kidnapping and plenty of case law supports it.
      DeSantis operatives tricked the migrants with promises of food, housing, language training and jobs that were supposedly waiting for them on the other end. This was apparently done so that they would sign letters of consent.

  4. Vice verse for either side but in all actuality, wouldn’t it be better time and money to help them and use some funds to find out where the curroption comes from within there governments and why they have to run away.

    • If you are wanting to indict DeSantis you had better save a few indictments for both Biden and Harris for not enforcing border security.

      • As I understand, these were documented migrants waiting the next step in the process for full entry, meaning their existence this side of the border was legal. Border security was fine.

  5. While there may be a valid case for a kidnapping charge, the Immigration and Nationality act is clear when it comes to actions such as this. Transporting a person who has unlawfully entered the country is a criminal act.
    Sec. 274. [8 U.S.C. 1324]
    (a) Criminal Penalties.-
    (1) (A) Any person who-knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law,
    transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in
    furtherance of such violation of law;
    A person who violates subparagraph (A) shall, for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs-
    in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(ii), (iii), (iv), or (v)(II), 4/ be fined under title 18, United States Code,
    imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both;

  6. These 50 hit the lottery. It’s the next 10 or 20 thousand that have me concerned. It is a shameful mark on humanity that human beings are reduced to this condition, but the world is not a fair place. If non-border states get to vote on immigration laws, the burden should be shared equally. Calling this a kidnapping is using these people as political pawns as much as the idiot who sent them here. Getting your picture in the paper holding up a “crude” map to illustrate the horrors these people have suffered is not evidence gathering. That is usually done quietly, behind the scenes. Local law enforcement must be nervous. That would probably really stretch their budget having to investigate a mass kidnapping of 50 people. Better raise taxes, because I fear lots more are coming.

  7. It surprises me with all the comments I read about this island being so woke that the majority of these commentators have not opened up their homes and swallowed up these 50 people with housing and a place to permanently live. This is another example of people not walking the talk. With 5000 year round islanders here you would think there would be room for 50 people. This is another example of NIMBY what do you think the people in Florida and Texas are going through.

    • 5000 year round islanders? That number was surpassed in the 70s.
      I have come to realize that you never let facts get in the way of your comments.

  8. It’s a humanitarian crisis when 50 people show up in the off season while 100000 show up in summer and it ain’t a crisis. Some of you folks are funny. Anyway you didn’t keep them long. I think Baker is taking them elsewhere. So much for welcoming with open arms. Biden has been shipping thousands all over the country at night. What a kidnapper Sleepy Joe is. Let’s indict. Liberals are so confused.

    • If the town neighboring yours has a major disaster, say fire or flood, and the state government seeks emergency housing. They knock on your door but no one is home. No problem, there’s a need, take the house by eminent domain.

      Summer tourists arrive having reservations for accommodations. But here you do not respect private property.

  9. What’s worse? Being “kidnapped” and taken to a quaint island paradise where they would be surrounded by loving families and have access to normal services and possibly be housed within walking distance of the local schools OR being actually kidnapped and then dumped on a soulless military base?
    This is shameful behavior on the part of those who proudly virtue signal their homes as sanctuary when in reality, they immediately move to deport these poor people so they are out of sight and out of mind.

    • Kelly, no one has been deported. The decision to move this group wasn’t reached by random Vineyard residents. We did not take a vote. Our governor likely signed off on it. That was the right thing to do when you consider that MV doesn’t have a dedicated shelter, affordable housing, or enough steady work in the winter.

      Since you object to what you’re calling virtue signaling, consider that it would’ve been performative to keep them here when an off-Island location can provide better assistance. The goal has to be practicality, not making a good impression on political opponents. I’m glad the former option was chosen. This country is already drowning in games.

      You put kidnapped in air quotes, presumably to mock the possibility, but it still retains its official meaning. It doesn’t matter that these folks were brought to a nice location. That is not a factor in the eyes of the law. Commenters are applying narrow and Hollywoodesque standards to a complex legal matter.

      Crimes involve multiple elements that must be demonstrated. No one here has enough information to say definitively whether this was or was not kidnapping. Not yet. What we can say is that two vital elements of that crime were in play—one allegedly and one for certain. That doesn’t bother you? An investigation should take place to determine whether charges are appropriate. I can think of several other laws that may have been violated, too, depending on the behind-the-scenes details of how this unfolded.

      If this group was properly and truthfully informed of where they’re going before being transported to Cape Cod, then no, there’s no reason for you to label that decision as kidnapping. Do you have any reason to suspect that they were made false promises or otherwise misled by Mass. authorities? I don’t.

      This cruel stunt was, at the least, highly unethical. I suspect DeSantis et al. will get away with it. Doesn’t make it right or clever. It solved nothing.

    • Kelly… Some of those migrants have appointments in other states and other reasons why theh needed to go elsewhere. If you had done your research, you’d know that it was in their best interests to be moved off. DeSantis is a degenerate scumbag who did everything he could to be cruel to these people and hinder them as much as possible and get people like you to believe that liberals are hypocrites on this issue. He’ll never see an ounce of respect from me. He’a a liar.

  10. brought to you by the hypocrisy party….one question for democrats…how many should biden let in…5 mil…10 , 20, 100 mil….yes we have the best country..but you cannot save everyone. Also…these people are trying to escape socialism….do they realize our leaders are pushing exactly that…without police.

    • Richard, that number can actually be determined by a comprehensive immigration process overhaul. Let’s do that. Oh wait. The Republicans don’t want to work together on that.

    • Richard– let me point out we don’t have the best country– It’s pretty good, and I love it, but there is no reasonable assessment that the U.S is the “best” country.
      So let me ask you if you have been watching the immigration debate for the last 20 years ? Think about it , do some research and then honestly reply to me and tell me which political party has obstructed all reasonable proposals to have true immigration reform.
      Spending billions of dollars on a wall that has been breached over 3,000 times ( according to Fox “news”) and forcing asylum seekers to live in squalor on the Mexican side of the border is not an acceptable immigration policy. Especially from a country that you think is “the best country”

  11. The cost of transporting them on a private jet was about $12,000 each. All American taxpayers paid for this as De Santis questionably took it out of $12 million in federal COVID relief funds he didn’t spend as intended on relief for the many poor and sick of Florida. This 81 year old Floridian of modest means but democratic values hopes that some of the reputedly very wealthy people on MV will pay back De Santis by contributing to Rep. Charlie Crist’s current campaign to defeat him in November. Unfortunately, De Santis has banked about $175 million in campaign contributions compared to $15 million for Crist. Remember, Florida is a massive state with 6 or 7 major media markets. Help prevent De Santis from being president in 2024!

  12. Katie, I do agree with you on 1 thing. The Governor probably did set everything up for the 50 migrants to be moved to the old Otis Air Base/Camp Edwards, Cape Cod.
    I wonder how many phone calls from the Rich and Famous he received the moment they landed on the Island?? Just wondering….

    If some on the blog think sleepy Joe’s open border policy is not going to cost the US taxpayer any money, I have swamp land in Florida I would love to sell you. Our kids and grandchildren will be paying for years.

    • “I wonder how many phone calls from the Rich and Famous he received the moment they landed on the Island??”

      I don’t know. I don’t keep track of or take interest in celebrities.

      What I do know is that the Vineyard has already seen the arrival of thousands of immigrants over the last few decades, including many people from South America. They make up a solid percentage of our local population. That’s not being reported on a national level because it doesn’t fit DeSantis’s script.

      I’ve never heard of celebrities who vacation here complaining about our demographics. Given that, I have no reason to believe they’d start making secret phone calls now. There were practical reasons for the transfer to Cape Cod. That’s good enough for me.

      I don’t comment on this site about the border. As with countless other topics, I see no reason to. The political conversations here are dead ends, especially for someone who doesn’t belong to a party and tires quickly of partisan assumptions. My focus was on this unethical, and likely illegal, stunt.

      I understand the need for border security and changes to U.S. policy. Immigration is obviously a pressing and complicated issue. That doesn’t justify the use of trickery by officials. Bad faith is called that for a reason.

      It’s bad.

      • Good point about the LEGAL immigrants who have come to MV over the years. They come with legal work permits, have housing made available, and some are successful enough to stay and create a new life the American Way.

    • My thoughts exactly, Steve. Wouldn’t you love to find out the “chain of command” concerning this situation.

  13. Mathias, I think you should have done your research. What possible appointments could the 50 immigrants have had? The only one I can think of is to show up at the nearest ICE Field Office to get a work permit and court date for future imagination hearing. There is a ICE Field Office in Boston. That would take a boat trip(45min) and bus trip(2 hours at most)

    I would probably guess that Governor DeSantis did not have your respect way before he paid to have migrants flown to MV. In fact I do not think you like Republicans at all. You said he is a liar?? What does that make Biden/Harris by saying the border is secure and nobody is getting in to the United States??? We know that is a lie. Biden’s OPEN BORDER POLICY caused this. At one time I remember people would apply for citizenship and come legally in to the United States.

    • You are correct that governor DeSantis did not have my respect long before this little stunt of his. His despicable response to Covid, his anti-LGBTQ and anti-education stance, and many other things had me disgusted with him already.

      Some of the migrants had appointments in CA and other states regarding their application for asylum. It was already in one of the Times articles. You haven’t read it, apparently. The migrants arrived in TX, not FL, so it’s safe to assume they probably did have contact with immigration officials in TX and made appointments while there. DeSantis went out of his way to ship them here. Weird that you didn’t pick up on that. And yes, DeSantis is a liar. I’m sorry you only think it counts when he lies to citizens. Lying to migrants counts too. There are also many forms of lying. Participating in an act to push a BS narrative about what MV is also counts. Sounds to me like you hear stuff and then just jump to conclusions.

      I’m inclined to call BS on your claim that Biden/Harris lied by saing the “border is secure.” There will always be ways in. There are people here illegally from Europe, New Zealand, Australia etc. who simply overstayed their visas. No one seems to have issues with that. Are the borders of all the South and Central American countries not secure too? Do you find it weird that there seems to be an absence of awareness as to whether or not they care about the security of their borders?

    • DHS went to each of the 50, filled out paperwork that included 50 fictitious places of residence scattered across the country and beyond reasonable travel distance. That meant those people were required to present at locations as distance as offices/courts on the west coast.

      As for “open door” borders, Biden is using the name rules as were used under Trump, the difference being Biden has more vigorously enforced immigration prohibition than the law requires.

      Steve, you need to do your research.

    • In 1913 my grandfather got on a boat in europe, went to ellis island, gave a false name and was processed through in about 4 hours. He was then free to go anywhere he wanted and became a successful businessman.
      The good old days as some like to refer to really did have open borders, and it made America great.

      • Nixon’s war on drugs gave rise to today’s violent drug cartels. Pro-corporate international policy destabilized South America. The right can’t help but create its own problems and then cry victim. The solution to the border crisis must start with the dismantling of white supremacy and institutionalized racism. Only then can we work to help South America restabilize and eliminate this problem at its source. The party of “I’ve got mine and screw everybody else” will never see that, though. Thry’re too busy pointing fingers at others in a sad attempt to shift the blame away from themselves.

  14. Democrat President Biden shipped lots of illegal aliens via plane to White Plains New York and many other places in the US. Shouldn’t Biden be held directly accountable for kidnapping illegal aliens as to what he did?

  15. But it is Americans that are footing the bill and that bill is high now. They say that we are near the 5 million mark in border crossings. The Border Patrol has their hands full and the border states can’t handle them all. We are now at 300 deaths a day due to the Fentanyl coming thru the border.

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