Updated August 4
Aboard the chartered Capt. John & Son II, developers of the nation’s first major offshore wind farm hosted a tour of the ongoing construction site.
On a sunny Wednesday morning, the somewhat bumpy, roughly two-hour boat ride carried Avangrid staff, press, state lawmakers and local officials, and environmentalists from Hyannis to the Vineyard Wind site, 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard.
Construction began in early June. The $4 billion project is expected to generate electricity for more than 400,000 homes and businesses in the state, starting in mid-October. Sixty-two wind turbines are planned. Avangrid COO Sy Oytan said that six turbines are slated to be operational in the fall.
The State House News Service reported that the project is also expected to create at least 3,600 jobs, reduce energy costs for Massachusetts ratepayers by an estimated $1.4 billion over 20 years, and annually eliminate 1.68 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
On Wednesday, once the Capt. John & Son II sailed past Chappaquiddick and into open waters, it didn’t take long for the T-shaped silhouette of the $900 million offshore substation to become hazily visible in the distance. The turbines will eventually be connected to the substation. Oytan described it as a “massive structure, as large as a football field.”
As the group got closer to the project area, several Vineyard Wind vessels could be seen near the construction site. An Avangrid staff member said some of the vessels were laying down the undersea cables that will connect the wind turbines with onshore electrical infrastructure in Barnstable, although this work wasn’t visible from aboard the Capt. John & Son II.
Several cylindrical turbine foundations with “transitional pieces” stood tall in the Atlantic, each with one nautical mile of distance between them. According to Oytan, this distance is three times that of the space between wind turbines in Europe.
Oytan spoke over the boat loudspeaker to provide information regarding the project as the tour boat slowly circled around the construction site, which he relayed in more detail on the boat ride back to Hyannis.
Vineyard Wind’s GE Haliade-X 13MW turbines are expected to be 853 feet tall, including the blades. The blades will be 351 feet long, with a rotor diameter of 722 feet. For comparison, these turbines will stand nearly triple the size of the Statue of Liberty (305 feet tall), and a little under the height of the Eiffel Tower (1,063 feet tall). The offshore wind farm will begin producing 78 megawatts of power by mid-October. This will increase to 200 to 300 megawatts of power by the end of the year, with the full 806 megawatts of power becoming available by mid-2024.
According to Oytan, the relatively shallow Massachusetts waters made the construction site “the premium place in the world for offshore wind production.” Deeper waters make construction more expensive.
Oytan said efforts are being made to make the supply chain more domestic, but parts still need to be sent over from Europe as the offshore wind industry matures in the U.S.
Workers will soon begin installing turbine towers on the foundations. Next, the energy-generation components will be installed.
For many of the people on board the tour boat, this was the first time actually seeing the construction site.
Andy Benedetto and John Dunderdale, who represent local trade unions and are affiliated with the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, said unionized workers were a part of each step in the construction process. Seeing the project under construction gave a sense of accomplishment, Dunderdale said. “To be able to see it in person, it’s a proud moment for us,” Benedetto said.
Union representatives weren’t the only ones who were looking forward to seeing the construction site. Richard Delaney, executive director of the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, and a board member with the Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative, told The Times it was exciting to see the progress being made toward becoming a “renewable energy society.”
“It is really exciting, today, to see all of the work and effort we’ve been putting forward finally start that transition away from fossil fuel,” he said.
Delaney underscored that climate change is an “existential issue,” but felt optimistic about the future.
“Except for a bunch of people in Congress … the rest of the world is actually understanding we have to act,” Delaney said. “The big challenge for all of us now, worldwide and here on the Cape — everywhere — is to be able to make that transition fast enough and at a big enough scale.”
According to Delaney, thousands of wind turbines will be needed to bring renewable energy to the needed scale. “We can’t go through a long process to get there,” he said. “We have to have them approved and built really fast.”
When asked about the pushback offshore wind turbine development has been facing, Delaney said some of the “discouraging obstacles” are political parties and individuals who vote against efforts to mitigate climate change.
“It’s inconceivable that they cannot understand what that vote means to themselves, their family, to the country, to our economy,” he said. “But that’s the reality for the time being. We’ll keep working to educate them and show them the connection we all have to each other through climate change.”
Additionally, Delaney continued, fossil fuel companies spread misinformation to “people up and down the East Coast” regarding the effect offshore wind farms have on whales, despite saying they understand the issues around climate change. He said people who “don’t know any better” become opponents of offshore wind farm developments because of the “deliberate spread” of misinformation.
“My Center for Coastal Studies has been doing population studies for 46 years, and we know there are some humpback whales dying and washing up here, in New Jersey, and Virginia,” Delaney said. “It’s part of their natural system. It’s a little more than usual, but they’re not being killed by wind turbines.”
Delaney said the spreading of misinformation is frustrating because it prevents people from making informed decisions.
Earlier this summer, two humpback whales washed up on Edgartown beaches. At the time, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration representative stated they were unaware of any ties to the wind industry. In May, a federal judge ruled against Nantucket Residents Against Turbines’ complaint against Vineyard Wind over environmental concerns, including potential harm to North Atlantic right whales.
Several state lawmakers and local officials on board touted the benefits of offshore wind and expressed that their constituents were in support of pushing development forward.
Salem Mayor Dominick Pangallo described a community that “looked to the sea” when envisioning the future, due to its maritime history. Pangallo said it was “very exciting” to finally see the Vineyard Wind construction in progress; he hoped the project will “help us move the needle in the climate crisis.”
Although not present for the trip to sea, State Rep. Dylan Fernandes, D-Falmouth, expressed excitement about the project to The Times.
“I’m thrilled that Vineyard Wind’s construction is underway,” he said. “This project creates 90 jobs on-Island, provides affordable electricity rates for low-income Islanders, and helps us reach our ambitious climate commitments. Martha’s Vineyard is pioneering our clean energy future.”
Oytan said Vineyard Wind, named after the Island, has made a commitment to hiring locally, and pointed out the on-Island infrastructure being built for the project. He said the Island has been “very supportive” of the project.
Additionally, Oytan said, the project will help in the climate change issues that coastal communities, particularly Islands like Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, are facing by shifting away from fossil fuels.
Other Avangrid representatives echoed similar points.
“Everyone [on] those Islands knows how windy the oceans and those Islands are,” Oytan said.
Adarsh Bhat contributed to this story.
What’s the carbon footprint for bringing a boat from Plymouth to the island, out to the offshore electrical plant and then back for a couple of puff pieces by “journalists” and a photo op for lawmakers?
John– perhaps you could calculate that for us– But I would speculate it is much lower than flying 2 private jets from Texas to Florida to Martha’s vineyard for a [ fill in the mad lib here______ ] Or even flying in a 747 to go from Florida to whatever federal court you have to show up to for your arraignment on multiple felony charges every few months.
Much less than a SSA ferry from Woods Hole to to Vineyard Haven.
John, why do you waste your time reading puff pieces by so called journalists, or look at pictures of lawmakers?
Islanders want the truth, no more fake news, start up a rag called “Island Truth Social” put MVT right out of business.
Well said.
I’m so glad that the Times is on record as being in love with this project. Y’all will be eating crow for breakfast, lunch and dinner for years when the truth about the humongous boondoggle these offshore wind projects really are.
Just keep drinking the kool-aid and asking their press relations people the questions that they feed you and are so willing to answer.
Reminds me of Vioxx, Bextra, Fen-Phen, Baycol. Look them up.
Bill, if you want to see the future of wind and solar look at the worldwide megawatt hours produced, last year, two years ago, five and ten. Are you seeing a trend?
The only thing that can stop wind in this country is Trump, he is having a bad week.
Look them up. Vioxx, Bextra, Fen-Phen, Baycol were on the market for a very short time.
Wind has been on the market for 25 years, it continues grow exponentially. Do you have any data about the humongous boondoggle these offshore wind projects really are?
Is your data your emotions?
Offshore wind production is a farce. The carbon footprint, destruction of natural resources, not to mention the damage to marine life is reprehensible; electromagnetic fields, pollution from oil and fuel, and just the weather alone, make this a no-win situation.
Wesley– we have been through the carbon footprint of wind vs any other source for generating electricity — about 98 % less carbon emissions over the life of the project.
May I remind you that a natural gas or coal burning plant doesn’t just grow out of the ground.– They actually might have some “destruction” of natural resources themselves.
Nuclear is the only one that beats wind in the carbon footprint category.
Could you show us some documentation about the damage to marine life ?
There are hundreds of wind farms around the world with tens of thousands of mills. That have been operating for decades.
Surely, you should be able to find some verifiable evidence to show that they in fact are damaging marine life.
Or perhaps we should just stick with all those off shore oil platforms and oil tankers that never leak any oil into the oceans and damage marine life. And those oil tankers bringing all that foreign oil into our country never collide with whales, either, I guess.
Just leave your your car running while you go into the liquor store, and you will feel much better about whatever it is that is bothering you.
Reply to Wesley Nagy
The question of wind is not if, but how fast.
Technology brought us the internal combustion engine, the turbine, the nuclear reactor, the production energy continues to evolve.
Or devolve.
1n 1900 there were they were around 600 hundred thousands active and operational windmills all over the US.
Windmills will only increase over time.
The Dutch have 300 year old functional windmills.
Carbon footprint comes from carbon, windmills burn no carbon.
Reprehensible indeed. And so, Homo Insanitis, deaf, dumb and blindly continues his never ending, unconscious assault upon our beloved GAIA.
When will they ever learn?
Offshore wind affects the weather? Is that like what burning hydrocarbons does to the weather?
Electromagnetic fields, oh no, we must immediately rip out the cables to the Vineyard and Nantucket and stop the damage to marine life.
Each Island must have it’s own generators!
We need to stop electrocuting fish.
Coal, heavy petroleum distillates, natural gas, wind, solar.
Which do you prefer?
Want near your place?
Nobody wants to live anywhere near power plant.
We all want power plants to be be in someone else’s backyard.
Is that being selfish?
Offshore windfarms have operated successfully for over 30 years and the technology is getting better all the time. There are 162 offshore wind farms currently operating on this planet. Why would any rational person discourage this method for clean energy when it has been PROVEN to be successful and NOT HARMFUL to the environment for so long? Why would Norway be installing MORE offshore wind farms if the ones that they installed years ago had failed. BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T FAIL!
Remember negative comments about the Round-about near the high school, and how many folks said it would never work and what a horrible mistake it would be? As we all know, the Round-about is a great success, and if the naysayers of offshore wind would just say, “NO,” to THEIR BRAND of Kool Aid, which is toxic, the planet might just survive as we leave fossil fuel burning in the dust, and encourage the use of alternative energies.
I wouldn’t say the round-about is a great success.
I’d say it’s a medium success. Sure, traffic at the round-about flows smooth, but the backups at either end of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Rd and either end of Barnes Rd are way larger then they were before the round-about went in. All that smooth flowing traffic through the old blinker has to go somewhere….
The Nattering Nabobs of Negativism will not stop Vineyard Wind, that ship has sailed.
Is anyone leaving positive comments about windmills also pulling permits to erected them on their own property? Is the MV Times going to erecting one on their roof first?
Didn’t think so…
But out there, way out there where only the Wampanoags have to see them everyday, that’s going to be just fine.
Hypocrisy at it finest, Island style.
Probably not. Windmills on rooftops are not viable. To be effective windmills need access to strong and sustained winds. Those winds are found at higher elevations. Wind around rooftops are too turbulent and irregular. Windmills, in order to be efficient, should be erected 500 feet from and 30 feet above any other obstacles. That’s why most windmills are on the ocean, in the plains or along ridge lines. And, you and your downwind neighbor won’t be very happy when your 60+ ft high wind tower blows down during heavy gusting winds, lands on their house and rips a hole in your roof! Plus the payback time would be ridiculously long.
Brains should be used for logical thinking: Put solar on a roof.
I almost remember When America Was Great. Our great nation had more than 600,000 windmills.
Even very small farms had them, they were a a sign of modernity and prosperity, just like smokestacks. .
Make America Great Again
The Wampanoags will get their take, everyday, that’s going to be just fine.
The Island consumes a lot of power, we should be able to see where it comes from. Not have it produced where other people have it see it.
Who has to look at where your power is produced? Certainly not you?
I have some news for you– If you bother to look up, you might notice that there are a few windmills on this island.
You might also notice that the 2 largest ones are on farms.
That’s not a co incidence, you know.
On shore windmills have problems with sound and the “flicker effect”.
Some people think they cause cancer–
That causes problems with the neighbors– they can only go up well away from any neighboring properties. The permitting is almost impossible.
You call it hypocrisy because that is a nice easily understood catch phrase and dog whistle for the willfully ignorant opponents of this project.
Now, I am not saying that all people who are opposed to this fall into the willfully ignorant category. Some of them actually know what they are talking about and have valid concerns.
However, your comment about the Wampanoags being the only ones who will see this is a clear example of your ignorance about the project.
Unless the Wampanoags are hanging out in Chilmark, West Tisbury or Edgartown, they will have less of a chance of actually seeing them on the occasional crystal clear day than the residents of those towns.
In fact, the closest point to the closest windmill (15 miles) on M.V is Katama.
The closest windmill to Aquinnah, where I am assuming you are talking about because it is the federally recognized territory of the Wampanoag tribe is about 18.5 miles.
The furthest one is 37 miles from Aquinnah.
Before you accuse people of hypocrisy you should perhaps make at least a rudimentary effort to educate yourself about the topic you are commenting on.
And, you know, you can have your opinion and think what you want about who will be most likely to see these. That’s your opinion, but it is not the fact.
You can ignore this link that clearly shows that Katama is more than 3.5 miles closer than Aquinnah, and I won’t call anyone a hypocrite because wealthy white people will have the best view.
Also, please note that I have not used a sharpie to alter this map to make my point.
Is anyone leaving positive comments about oil drilling rigs (out of sight, out of mind), oil tankers, fuel farms, tanker trucks, gas stations, air quality?
So what do we do with those blades longer than a football field when they have outlived their expected life expectancy of around 20 years? They’re not recyclable so I guess we bury them in the ground? How often do the much touted Dutch wind plants reduce production to protect migrating birds? It’s fairly often. In Australia it’s 5 months a year that they shut down. I guess the ultimate question to ask oneself is if I or a loved one was in a hospital recuperating from an accident or illness and dependent on machines would I be okay if those machines were solely powered by wind or solar? Good luck on a cloudy , windless day.
John– We have been through that recycling issue before.
More than once– you have even commented on it.
But let me explain it all once again—
They are inert– they could just be disconnected and dropped into the ocean right there and call it an artificial reef which would provide habitat for many species of marine life, and thereby protect our beloved GAIA.
Indeed, artificial reefs are created all over the world out of different things. One of the most popular is to sink old ships. — The remnants of the Tappan Zee bridge got dumped into the ocean off of Block island, and there is a thriving abundance of marine life around it.
Let me repeat– they are inert– they make great playgrounds for kids.
You can make skate board parks out of them, culverts under roadways, barriers to wave action in coastal areas, park benches, — and thousands of other things if we have some imagination. And if those with no imagination or creativity insist on burying them, the Goodales might want to accept a few million dollars from the evil “foreign owned” operators of these things to put them in the bottom of their sand pit, which is big enough to take every one of them for the next hundred years or so.
As I have mentioned before, that pit really can’t go deeper because of ground water issues, and eventually it should be filled in . Or is it just going to remain a barren scar on our beloved GAIA ?
Our “recycled” glass could be used as filler (it’s only sand, after all) rather than be shipped off island at a significant cost. When it’s all filled in, our great great great grandchildren could build a nice playground , skate board park, and a water park featuring waterslides made from old blades.
If we have anything other than creatively bankrupt negative attitudes about it.
John, they are recyclable, they just need the economy of scale. They make excellent land fill material for bridges, highways and runways.
The original blades lasted less than ten years, forty is on the horizon (on the horizon, that’s a real knee slapper).
“In Australia it’s 5 months a year that they shut down.” is a flat out lie.
“A wind farm proposal on Robbins Island off Tasmania’s north-west coast would need to shut down for five months of the year if it is to go ahead.”
Conservative Sensationalists are scary.
Stupid question! Do islanders have to accept power from this source even if it is a lot more expensive and less reliable than our current provider?
Jean– we do not have to accept that power. You can go on line and find a “supplier” that, through the magic of accounting can sell you electricity generated by coal burning plants in West Virginia. Of course the electrons don’t go directly from that coal burner to your light bulb, but the coal burning owners get the money.
Eversource has a set cost that you can’t get around.
But I am curious as to where you get the idea that wind power will be “a lot more expensive” ?
That is simply not true
here is an example:
Now of course, this is land based– but the reality is that the towers cost the same, the nacelles cost the same and the blades cost the same.
Installation in the ocean is of course more expensive, but not that much as a percentage.
As far as I can tell, the locked in price for the first year of V.W one is $96 per MWH
The spot price for natural gas generated electricity varies wildly, and got as high as $160 in the winters of 2017 and 2018 and to about $150 in the winter of 2022.
V.W locks in at a fixed price. $ 96 this year— and going down by an unknown amount in future years. Could someone show me otherwise ?
And I also wonder why you think it is less reliable?
Sure, sometimes the wind doesn’t blow, but that is VERY rare at 500 ft. up.
Fossil fuel plants have regularly scheduled maintenance and breakdowns , as will the wind turbines. But that’s why we have a mix of generation alternatives. We can’t rely on one source.
That’s why when the worldwide price of Petro products increased when Russia invaded Ukraine, we still had power at the same price, for a while– eventually, the utility companies had to deal with that reality and the price did indeed go up.
But that is capitalism.
So show me something different than I am asserting here— please, no Newsmax or Fox opinion pieces– Only the facts please.
Not a stupid question, It’s the kind of question that ignorant people ask, people who have no idea of where the Islands power comes from.
Until recently it came primarily from a relatively new coal plant (it was shut down under Trump) in Somerset.
The neighbors really enjoyed the ~250 foot tall smokestacks and cooling towers (always cloudy/foggy near the plant), imploding them produced a cement dust cloud to literally die for.
Your current provider will not change.
They may change their providers.
Electric distribution companies are monopiles, you can’t change them, your only choice is to go off grid. Wind and solar and a nasty gasoline generator for backup, when the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine.
Maybe a PowerWall to cut down on generator time.
The joy of self reliance.
Ok– This project it creating many local jobs– yes there are many of people who are not local who are working on this this because the U.s gov actively opposed anything that didn’t burn fossil fuels to produce electricity from 2017 to 2021. Does anybody wonder why ?
As the article notes, this project is creating lots of good paying jobs —
Why is that a problem ?
There are signed contracts to provide electricity to the New England grid for the next 20 years— let me repeat that— Vineyard wind will produce electricity at the same rate for the next 20 years— ok– I could be wrong about that– show me otherwise and I will say “ok”
But if I am right, why is that a problem ?
Show me facts, please if you re going to dispute what I say.
So let me summarize;
Good jobs,
cheaper electric prices to the consumers for the next 20 years
no verifiable evidence that any offshore windmill has ever harmed any marine mammal,
and a significant reduction in our local air pollution index.
Please, take me on– prove me wrong.
I welcome a “real” debate– skip the unsubstantiated disinformation and outright lies.
Mr. Keller has shown himself to be incapable of any sort of actual debate on the various issues surrounding renewable energy and Net Zero policies.
When confronted with actual information that counters his unscientific prognoses—Mr. Keller is a self-appointed (we assume) polemicist, not a physicist nor a climatologist nor even an engineer—he simply labels such information “click bait.”
I would love to see Vineyard Wind’s PR and advertising budget to sell this supposed “no-brainer” to the public, especially with Google-Youtube. Every.single.Youtube video I open is preceded by a longish high-production-value Vineyard Wind advert featuring an employee extolling the job benefits of Vineyard Wind. I have never seen such a glut of advertising for any other provider of electric power.
I love the “just dump them in the ocean” solution to disposing of thousands of old blades from wind turbines (carried out and dropped into the ocean by electric freighters with electric cranes? or maybe, just scuttle the whole freighter and fly the crew back to land on an electric helicopter). It will be interesting to see whether a big storm—caused of course by climate change—will create a shortcut for the blades into the ocean.
ok Katherine–
I thought I was actually debating.
I don’t think I have ever used the term “click bait”.
The reality is that when someone raises an issue — like light pollution drowning
out the milky way for instance, I find out the reality about the lights.
I don’t just run around ranting about never being able to see the milky way again.
On that issue I found that each nacelle will have 2 red bulbs on them that produce the equivalent of a 20 watt incandescent bulb, and 3 others about 1/2 way between
the nacelle and the sea surface. There is a system that will only turn them on
when a plane is within 10 miles of them. ( think motion detector on an outdoor light. )
V.W has analyzed flight data, and estimates that they will be on for about
5 hours per year. After I found out the facts, I posted them on this very site.
That’s what we call a debate– Point– counterpoint.
You are the one who is not doing that.
You have not posted a single verifiable fact about anything having to do with this project. Indeed, the post I am responding to has nothing factual, and just seems to
criticize me for not being an engineer.
How about if we have a debate about whether or not they cause cancer.
A lot of people think that you know– Including the infallible orange baboon that
a lot of people worship.
Now, I am not a doctor, and you probably aren’t either, so you can just opt out of any discussion about it.
Since I am not an engineer I guess I am disqualified from knowing anything about how a spinning propellor generates electricity I guess we can’t discuss anything about
the electricity produced.
I am not an economist, so I guess we can’t discuss the financial impacts of this.
I don’t own a trash business, so I guess we can’t discuss what happens to the
blades— get my point ?
I choose not to shout out hysterical nonsense and criticize people who disagree with me.
Katherine, I am open to debate. Pick a topic. Any topic.
Man has been dumping things in the Ocean since Adam and Eve.
Things far far worse than turbine blades.
Electric helicopters are a reality, just like Vineyard Wind.
Great news the quicker they come online the better. And I hope to see more companies start new wind fields soon, I also wish we could have a grownup conversation about the new generation nuclear plants, we need to stop the temperature rise otherwise our grandchildren have a poor environment to live in.
There will not be enough eggs to go around when the realities of Net Zero rubber hits the road.
First in line for egg on the face: Anyone who advises—nay, pressures!—the SSA to convert its ferries to electric. Bwa ha ha ha.
Katherine— As I have posted before about electric ferries– Show me a single ferry company anywhere in the world that has converted to electric ferries and found that they are not saving money.
Just one– that’s my challenge to you, Katherine– Just one.
Should be easy–
So I will say, that in my comments here, I may be “pressuring” the SSA to convert.
But I am doing that because I would like the price of a ticket to come down for once, and since I like to sit outside most of the time while on the ferry, I would rather not breathe carcinogenic fumes from the diesel exhaust.
EXCUSE ME if I am advocating for that .
I’ll take my organic eggs and make an omelet.
You can use them as some sort of facial treatment if you want.
Good question.
Corporate leaders jet to MV to visit their off-shore wind turbine development. Local fishermen and farmers get lectured on how this will save the environment, as if we’re the problem.
I am on record for banning all private jets. Including Al Gore’s and John Kerry’s .
Electric ferries cost about 7 million more to build than diesel ferries and save about 3 million in a lifetime and they are heavily subsidized. Are you sure those eggs are organic Keller. Lots of sneaky Farmers out there not giving each hen 108 sq ft of outdoor space.
so where did you cook up those numbers ?
A lot of people are saying that electric ferries are actually about 2 million dollars cheaper to build, and save 8 million a year, and are less subsidized than the diesel industry.
In order to qualify as an organic egg, the chicken has to be fed organic food.
You can get organic eggs from chickens that are in 18 inch cubical cages.
“free range chickens only need to have a door which if they want to ever go outside ( which they don’t) they can. That area outside may be 108 ft for the entire flock of thousands of chickens in the barn.
Guess which “sleep” senators and reps voted for those rules.
Andy, are you sure you know the difference between organic and free range?
Is that why Washington State Ferries is buying them?
Is that why Norway has 80 of them, in operation?
Is that why Norway exports 90% of it’s oil production?
Would Norway be better converting their electrics to diesel to cut down on their oil exports?
many informative and intellectual comments. I am more of a basic commenter. The island of Martha’s Vineyard, my beloved home of 30 years, is being destroyed bit by bit. The beauty, tranquility, peace are all being “altered” in the name of the almighty dollar. My heart weeps for those island born and breed who have had their very heritage stripped from them. 10 million dollar homes,social welfare money for illegals, any type of business as long as it brings in money. I can remember when having the DAIRY QUEEN was the extent of chain establishments. Off shore wind turbines are UGLY, probably cause mass destruction and disruption of any and all that surround it, but hey it’s all about the money. Good bye sweet Martha. I am happy that I had time to spend with you when you were innocent and pure.
Wind is no longer a question if, that ship has sailed.
Comments are closed.