A new nonprofit organization filed ambitious plans today for a public park and pavilion, the expansion and preservation of a renowned wooden-boatbuilding business, and to establish new artist and work space along the Vineyard Haven downtown waterfront as well as increased public access along the harbor side of Beach Road.
The Vineyard Lands for Our Community submitted the proposal, which will still have to navigate a complex set of local, state, and federal regulations before it is approved. The plan seeks to transform a set of waterfront properties along Beach Road, including those long owned by the DeSorcy family. This part of the development will be built on pilings to raise it above the flood zone.
The proposal involves redeveloping a property next to the DeSorcy parcel where Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway now sits, to expand and improve their workspace for boat building. And it includes another adjacent lot known as Boch Park, which would be converted into a public space with an outdoor pavilion, including a stage and an accessible viewing platform. The MV Times building would move to the Boch property under the proposal.
Vineyard Lands for Our Community (VLC) is led by Steve Bernier, former owner of Cronig’s Markets and The MV Times, who will serve as president and board chair, and the former executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, Phil Wallis, who has been named VLC’s executive director.
If approved, five properties along Beach Road would be redeveloped by the nonprofit as part of what will be called HarborWorks, creating approximately 250 feet of public beach in total along the harbor, with a majority of the property maintained as open space.
HarborWorks aims to preserve the tradition of a working waterfront along Vineyard Haven Harbor. Developers say they’ve drawn inspiration from Mystic Seaport, a Connecticut open-air waterfront museum that provides the public an opportunity to experience the preservation of historic whaling ships.
For HarborWorks, Wallis said, a central component is preserving and celebrating the historical significance and tradition of wooden boatbuilding along the harbor.
The entire HarborWorks project is estimated to cost about $25 million, and developers hope to fund the project primarily through private donations.
It’s estimated that the approval process and construction would take three to five years to bring to fruition, with initial permitting possibly wrapped up by spring of next year.
Proponents underscore that the public benefit of the project will be front and center as they enter permitting, which will include the Tisbury conservation commission and planning board, and the Martha’s Vineyard Commission. Proponents say they are looking to the future, not only raising the funding required to build the project but also planning for it to be a sustainable public space.
Ultimately, leaders of the nonprofit say the project would save the historically and economically significant DeSorcy properties from turning over to a private developer, and would instead preserve them for the community.
“We can make something beautiful happen,” Bernier said. “We’re all going to have to give a little and come to the middle, but there’s an opportunity to build community in a very special way here.”
The longtime Cronig’s proprietor and recent MV Times owner says he welcomes input from local and regional agencies, and feedback from the community.
Representatives with Gannon & Benjamin, wooden boatbuilders who have been in operation for decades on the waterfront — the company celebrated 40 years in 2020 — are strong supporters of HarborWorks. They cite concerns of what would happen if a private developer were to take control of the properties.
Co-founder Nat Benjamin told The Times, “The Vineyard Lands for Our Community, HarborWorks project on Beach Road may be the most important commercial waterfront development on Martha’s Vineyard in decades.”
Benjamin added, “It is a creative, sustainable, and appropriate use of our waterfront that will benefit all residents and visitors. But it will take our greater Island community to make it happen. We must work together to get it done.”
Part of HarborWorks includes consolidating Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railways facilities onsite. The boatbuilders currently have a separate workshop offsite, with plans to bring their operations together by building new workshops on Beach Road.
Part of the project also includes preserving Island storytelling and journalism. The proposal calls for the MV Times building on Beach Road to be moved to the Boch property next door. With Bernier as the new owner, the intention is to preserve the 40-year history of the Island news organization.
Inside the newly relocated MV Times building, the hope is to build a digital media hub as a place for teaching the craft of journalism to current and future generations of Islanders. If plans are approved, VLC and The Times would be able to host public forums and events with an eye toward bringing the community together to search for solutions to big challenges such as affordable housing and the impacts of climate change.
Project details
The proposed project is split into two separate plans: the redevelopment of the three DeSorcy properties at 34, 42 and 46 Beach Road, which is named HarborWorks. Adjacent to the DeSorcy property is 30 Beach Road, where The MV Times is now located and which is owned by Tisbury Working Waterfront LLC. That property would be donated to the VLC as part of the development. Next to the MV Times building is Boch Park, which is currently a private bird sanctuary developed by Ernie Boch Jr. In recent weeks, Boch has authorized VLC to include the existing park as part of the larger HarborWorks proposal.
Part of the plans call for a total of 22,500 square feet of workspace for boatbuilding workshops, artists’ studios, and maritime and educational nonprofits.
Buildings on the HarborWorks property would be elevated on pilings approximately 9 feet from grade to accommodate sea level rise. Underneath the elevated buildings will be parking, as well as space that will be accessible to the public.
Plans also include a new, 90-foot pier. Wallis said the pier would allow for a variety of public-access uses.
Wallis said that the proposal also includes drainage systems underground that will provide relief for flooding along Beach Road and Five Corners. Burying overhead utility cables is also part of the project.
With the filing this week, the project will ultimately trigger a development of regional impact with the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC). Wallis says that they will work with the MVC while also working the project through local permitters, including the local conservation commission and planning board. The project will also be submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
Community lands
VLC, or Vineyard Lands for Our Community, officially formed as a nonprofit in June of last year. While there are several nonprofits and agencies that are focused on land conservation, the idea behind VLC is to focus on keeping prominent commercial Island properties with a significant connection to the Island community from falling into the hands of private developers.
“Do we want everything to go out to a capitalized, commercial viewpoint?” Bernier asked. “Or do we want to try to look at the property and what it means to Islanders who would never have a chance to vote or deal with it? We’re trying to be proactive and involved, and create a timely opportunity to turn something positive.”
Also on the board of directors are Marilyn Vukota, an attorney for VLC; Cole Powers, owner of Powers Electric, and who currently lives at the DeSorcy property; John McDonald, founder of a Boston-based investment firm that has funded affordable housing developments nationally; and Andrew Flake, who heads the VLC project committee. Josh Dunn is the principal designer on the project, George Sourati is the engineer, and Mo O’Connor is the architect.
The team behind HarborWorks says that the Beach Road properties offer an opportunity to establish a kind of master plan for preserving the character of Vineyard Haven, and that they could finally put to rest the decades-long battle over the centrally located property.
As Nat Benjamin put it, “if a developer came in there, it would probably be another moped rental or restaurant. It would be a real slap in the face to our traditional, working waterfront, which is so unusual today. We need more of what we really value that represents this Island.”
Visit vineyardlands.org to see more photos, and a video of the project.
Hopefully Vineyard Wind will be among the big donors!
Great idea Shelley👍. It would certainly help their island image among residents.
Paying for the lose of view from million dollar houses.
Jean, are there any residents on the island from Vineyard Wind?
I know three that grew up here.
One was at the event representing Vineyard Wind.
Shelly– Since VW is creating thousands of good paying jobs
and pays property taxes and who knows what other kinds
of fees and taxes, I think they actually are already
contributing. And just for the record, they have given out
millions of dollars to entities and businesses like the tribe
and fisherpersons. But, that sort of dampens the argument
that “we” are subsidizing the wind farms and clean energy projects
it doesn’t go both ways.
Excellent idea!
This is amazing!
sounds amazing – fingers crossed
This is a thrilling idea. I hope I live long enough to see it come to fruition. It would be wonderful for VH residents and visitors alike. The last thing we need is more commercial development. This would help keep our little island the special place it has always been. There could be many fundraiser that islanders would love to participate in if tickets aren’t priced just for the very wealthy which it seems all island fundraisers have become. This, and the recent affordable housing, would be one of the best things to happen to Vineyard Haven in my memory.
Mimi, life is bittersweet. We are allowed to buy land in the US and do lots of things to develop that land, unlike in some countries where 4 people own everything and the “little people” rent.
I want to write a longer response about the state of real estate, but not right now. Suffice it to say that the oil barons running Texas also own more land in Montana than any other private holders.
Please, NO!
Susan– you know I have quite a bit of respect for you and your opinions.
Could you clarify the reasons for your objection ? Thanks
Thank you Don. While I agree with many commenters about the dilapidated buildings, I’m seeing a significant amount of development happening down island.
For me, when it comes to development, I believe environmental impact needs to be front and center. Furthermore I hope focus will be kept on how changes affect the year round community. While tourism is important to this community we don’t need to pander to it or allow endangering our island environmental health for the wants of people who don’t like hear year round.
Before people started shouting NIMBY. At me, please note, this is an island, everything that happens is in everyone’s back yard. We have finite space, finite resources, as such we are responsible to manage them with care and conscience.
Where the promise that all local workers will be hired? That some housing which is truly affordable is part of the plan? And what about the water? Too many buildings, too much hard surfaced land will impeded drainage. Will EMS staff have to risk life and limb to rescue people in a big storm?
Don’t want to go on here..but there are too many questions without real answers.
Susan– thank you for your reply to me. I have some
objections to this project and am in the process of forming
an opinion. I try to base my opinions based on facts. This
project is “out of the blue” and I detect an odor that may
be the possible smell of rats. Anytime this much money
is at play, my “ratdar” turns on. I am particularly suspicious
that a “new nonprofit” is at the forefront of this.
Also, somehow, they are going to put “drainage systems underground that will provide relief for flooding along Beach Road and Five Corners.”
Sorry, but flooding along beach road and 5 corners is because they are
very close to sea level. Putting a magic pipe underground defies the laws of physics, but it sounds good. They just had the whole area ripped
up and didn’t solve it. And how is it that this could all be
completed in 3 years, when I have been told that it would take 6 years
worth of permitting to extend the current drainage pipe
out of 5 corners another 50 ft into the harbor to prevent it from
being buried by sand every 60 days ?
Maybe that smell I smell is not rats, but it sure does smell fishy.
I don’t think I’m ready to go tiptoeing into la la land yet.
Something should be done down there–it’s a mess, but
let’s do it right. A glitzy video with a lot of promises
deserves a second look.
Bingo Keller! Right there with you.
This such a beautiful piece of property, nothing should be changed…
This looks like an extraordinarily ambitious project that I hope will be fulfilled without too many problems with permitting by the various entities involved. Having worked at the esteemed MV Times for a few years, all told, I used to look out at the confused tourists and wonder what they thought as they fumbled their way from the steamship onto the Island. When people come to visit, particularly those who are here for the first time, or for a short time, they must wonder about their entry onto the Island. Especially for those who thankfully do not bring more cars with them, I think this will be particularly important to our pedestrians, both folks who live here and the tourists.
Sara, what a thoughtful viewpoint. Thank you
Agree. It’s a lovely and currently due to conditions very under utilized shore line. I”m sure there will be a lot of questions and issues to be worked out, but this seems like a big improvement to me, and very much agree that it needs to be much more pedestrian friendly than the area currently is.
Except for Owen Park, Vineyard Haven has the least public usage of its harbor compared to the other Island towns. Jamie Weissman created a beautiful plan for the public to use the harbor 20 years ago and it went nowhere. There is very little imagination to create access to the harbor.
This new nonprofit group has the potential to finally do this. I applaud their initiative and hope changes to create public space can finally happen.
On a similar theme, when you go over the bridge heading to Vineyard Haven, the new bulkhead created by Vineyard Wind blocks the view of the harbor. The MVC passed with lightning speed the Vineyard Wind projects in Vineyard Haven . Now you can’t see the beautiful sailboats and the left side of the harbor. Yes, we like wind power, but did we need Vineyard Haven to become more industrial?
David– I totally agree with you about Jamie’s plan. BUT,
Have you forgotten about the dilapidated buildings
that were blocking the view of the harbor ? Come on, the new bulkhead
is a few ft above sea level, and is replacing the buildings
that were an “eye sore” there – Pun intended just for you 🙂
On the other side of the road, the VW offices have replaced
another dilapidated retail establishment.
My personal opinion is that docking facilities for 3 boats that
have 2 decks and are under 100 ft long in a district that
is zoned ONLY for marine uses is not a problem for me.
That 3 deck cruise ship that docks in the harbor that is well
over 100 ft blocks the view also. i don’t see many people complaining
about that How about those oil tanks? And where is the “industrial” part of VW in VH ?
They have an office building with facilities such as showers and lockers
for the workers who are servicing the mills. It’s not like they are smelting
steel by burning coal– or producing hazardous chemicals in a chemical
Come on David– You may not like the windmills for whatever reasons
you may have– I respect that, but please, open your eyes and take
a good look at the cost benefit ratios. As far as i can tell, the main port
of entry to the Vineyard looks much better now than it did 5 year ago.
And VW was a part of that.
No personal offense intended. I have a very high level of respect
for you.
Don, you get award for the longest utterance, and, today, the happy birthday pin of happiness……………
“Yes, we like wind power, but did we need Vineyard Haven to become more industrial?”
This destruction of our harbor views was a choice, not a necessity.
There was zero need for
Vineyard Wind to build a “maintenance facility” in Vineyard Haven.
This was basically a private deal, not a plan.
Don and Mary: Hold the lecture mayonnaise.
It’s interesting that people want beautiful views. And nothing else. No industry—but make sure the ferry ⛴️ runs on time. No windmills—but make sure our electricity doesn’t cost too much. Convenience—but no more parking.
Prior to to Vineyard Wind we had the industry of Packer fuel barges, gravel barges, and fuel trucks, MVSY tin sheds, not to mention the charming electrical and plumbing supply’s houses architectural excellence, and the fish house.
We want some place else to be more industrial and supply power to the Island.
That is correct.
For further information, including on communities that WANT to be reindustiralized via offshore wind and have made major infrastructure investments to encourage this outcome, please see my letter to the MV Times, Oct. 21, 2021.
Seas are rising, that entire area will be underwater in a couple decades. This is a fool’s errand.
Enough Doomsaying. How about problem solving instead
Mike Ack, love the idea of problem solving! 💡More ideas are needed!
It’s just reality. I would suggest spending money on projects that will be above sea level in a few decades.
Mike–here are some ideas to solve the problem.
Start with a $5 tak on all petroleum products.
Add $2 every year. Ban Gas and diesel powered vehicles.
Including ships. Ration meat to 1/2 pound a month
and completely phase it out entirely in 10 years.
Build 1 million windmills a week world wide.
Require all new construction to be 100% renewably powered.
Require that ALL products sold anywhere are 100 %
recyclable. Ban private jets and private yachts immediately and all
air travel that uses any fossil fuel.
Invest at least 10 trillion dollars into research for
cold fusion. Mandate that ALL produce is organically grown.
There — Problem PARTIALLY kicked down the road with the
remote possibility that sea level will stabilize by 2050.
Let me know what you think. Perhaps you have better ideas.
I am impressed that the Governor of Florida has managed
to pass the “don’t say climate change” law in Florida.
Lucky for the Floridians, he passed it just a month before they
got 20 inches of rain in 3 days…
Mike– If this reply gets repeated, I thought I posted
it, but from a different computer, so I don’t know if
it will come up twice. But I have some problem solving
ideas for this problem- that being rising sea levels and more violent
Immediate $5 a gallon tax on all petro products, followed by a $2 increase
every year.
Shut all coal mines –open pit or underground hell.
Ban all private jets, and yachts over 100 ft immediately.
Phase out all petro powered ships, boats, planes and
motor vehicles over the next 5 years.
Shut down all power plants that burn fossil fuels.
Ration beef sales to one pound per month per person.
Remember that one ? All the sheep who were following
tucker were convinced that if Brandon was elected
president he would do that?
Mandate that ALL produce is grown organically.
Provide 10 trillion dollars in government grants for
cold fusion research– yeah, maybe actually get the world’s
1% er’s and corporations
to pay a 25 % tax rate– like you and me, to fund that one.
Convince wilfully ignorant people that there is a problem
with the climate and they could actually help to provide
a planet that will be habitable for their great grandchildren.
What do you think, Mike? Got any better ideas ?
R Scott, you’re right, two feet rise in the ocean might change the waterfront. Maybe the architect has a solution?
Scott everyone knows the seas are rising, what should be done?
I’m just suggesting we not build in an area that’s going to be underwater in a few decades. My ideas about mitigating climate change aren’t relevant since our corrupt government would never implement them.
“our corrupt government” is a result of democracy, so far.
We must have one strong leader.
Your ideas about mitigating climate change aren’t relevant because you can not convince the majority of their validity.
Wrong. You’re under the false impression that we currently live in a democracy, we don’t. Most of these ideas have majority support but none of it gets implemented because our politicians are bought and paid for by the obscenely wealthy, that’s not democracy. We have no chance with this current system.
Sea level is rising less than 3 mm per year. I think Mother Nature can handle that!
R Scott, here’s the plan to deal with rising oceans:
“Buildings on the HarborWorks property would be elevated on pilings approximately 9 feet from grade to accommodate sea level rise.” Is this enough? Maybe enough for tidal water, but maybe not enough for storm surges? Maybe the engineer for the project can jump into the conversation and tell us.
Install a barrier and pumps, like New Bedford.
I love this idea and hope the artist studio spaces remain an affordable part of the vision plan when and if approved. The arts and shipbuilding as well other crafts are so important to the future of the island as property values have soared and the creative heritage of the island is in jeopardy
Judy, yes, you bring up a great point.
Jim — Sea level is rising at more than 3 mm ( 1/8 inch)
per year, and accelerating. By 2050 it will be rising by
more than 1/4 inch per year. That would be about a 5 inch
rise by 2050. And an inch + more every 4 years after that.
That will affect a lot of mother natures systems.
Don’t underestimate the damage it can do.
It will also affect beach road, and this project.
The view was there before the new bulkhead dock- it’s gone now. Sad to loose that view. I like wind power and have fished near the windmills. Amazing structures.
But the main theme is, there is a group with imagination that wants to create access to the harbor. Let’s support them
David, you have a pleasant point of view. Very inspirational. Thank you 😊
I am confident this leadership can make it happen
Ditto. No doubt they have only the best intentions for the island.
A fantastic waste of industrial water front space. I would rather see a co-op of welders, machineists, riggers and marine mechanics drawn from local talent to utilize this area to provide long lasting jobs. There is no reason we shouldn’t have a top level boat/ engine repair industry here with the space and tooling to support it.
Steel ship builders?
Marine wind turbine craftsmen?
Dee, like your idea. Have others come forward who might want to join you in that effort? Perhaps there’s another location to do jut that.
Dee – Gannon & Benjamin will triple their footprint with the intention of doing exactly what you propose. Though known for their wooden boats expertly designed and hand built by Nat, Ross, and other talented individuals, the GB crew, now being lead by the up and coming next generation of Brad, Lyle and Andy is also skilled in machining, molding, engineering, electronics, and diesel mechanics. As to Rigging, Myles Thurlow learned his trade under the tutelage of GB and is looking forward to passing on his skills to up and coming MV youth.
Overall, this project AND the future of SHENANDOAH are the keystones to the sustainablity of Vineyard Have Harbor. Just think about it, SHENANDOAH is 60 YEARS OLD this year! G&B will be 45 next year!
These are both proven, venerable institutions that will cement Vineyard Harbors reputaion as THE SEAPORT CENTER of NEW ENGLAND
Onward we go!
John McDonald
Resident / Board Member VLC
This is such a refreshing and beautiful plan for our waterfront. Kudos to all those involved in this magnificent approach to building community. It represents the true spirit of our wonderful, diverse island.
I will not pretend to speak for them, but wouldn’t this be a great home for SailMV? Nothing better for a waterfront property than a non-profit designed to teach children about maritime traditions and sailing.
Follow the money.
I am proud and honored to be part of this project. Above all I am excited to see these properties open to the community. Go VH!
This new plan is amazing! I totally approve and hope it passes all the legal issues with flying colors.
I can already picture Mr. B out there every morning, sweeping the sidewalks clean!
As always follow the money and they are starting out by being a so called non profit. That means the do not have to pay taxes on this valuable real estate. Edgartown just got scammed by the so called non profit hospital and now this. If this goes through they need to pay full taxes on full value not some made up agreement that only helps the money investors. All towns need revenue to run and if this comes off the books it will be made up somewhere else.
What is the current revenue?
What do we the people want in the space?
So excited to see all these plans released to the public! As a board member of the Vineyard Haven Harbor Cultural District (which this plan fits into perfectly) I’ve been lucky to see how much care Phil Wallis and the rest of the VLC group has taken over the last year to make sure everyone is considered throughout this planning and that boats, arts, and the environmental impact is always top of mind every step of the way.
There is such a drainage problem down there already. Wind company has a tight tank for a septic system. It’s very limited. They will need to pump it out weekly, but I guess if this is artist space they won’t be using toilets sinks showers or kitchens. I don’t want to be a killjoy, but really nonprofits have a nasty rep these days.
There are miles and (likely) years to go before the project becomes reality, but this first glimpse of it is thrilling, both in its sweep and in its attention to detail. Two of the most significant developments to take place in Vineyard Haven over the last fifty years — its emergence as an Island center of art & culture, and as a mecca for lovers of wooden boats — come together, in this project, in magnificent harmony. Onward!
Looks nice….Parking?
Greg, here is the plan:
“Buildings on the HarborWorks property would be elevated on pilings approximately 9 feet from grade to accommodate sea level rise. Underneath the elevated buildings will be parking, as well as space that will be accessible to the public.”
There is nothing quite so beautiful as as parking.
When I see a needed parking space I jump up and down! Parking may be the most important aspect of this project
Do we need more cars?
“There is nothing quite so beautiful as as parking.”
Especially between your eyes and Vineyard Sound.
Of course once the ocean rises as predicted, people will no longer be driving cars, so they won’t need parking. But they will be able to tie up their rowboats at the pylons holding up the buildings.
Love the vision, great start!
Greg – the parking will be under the buildings, which will be raised up. Not only will this create MORE parking, it will also create “Open Space” and “Public Access” to the waterfront.
As to drainage, this project will address the flooding issue at 5 Corners and along Beach Rd.
As to tax revenue, VLC is proposing to pay our “fair share” via a “payment in lieu” so as NOT to lose revenue for VH.
As to leadership, VLC has a plethora of talent lead by Steve Bernier, a proven business person, generous philanthropist, and new owner of the MV Times (long term & future tenant).
Andrew Flake, VH resident, has 50 years of experience as one of the Islands top tier builders and has done a great job working with the project design teamand future tenants.
Cole Powers has lived on the waterfront adjacent to Gannon & Benjamin for 10+ years, operates his company Powers Electric on site, and has a history of quietly making good things happen for the Island, specifically Elderly Housing and Youth Education.
Phil Wallis has more energy than EXXON and has done an amazing job through tremendous adversity (kidney transplant) over the past 18 months to create VLC with the goal of “Creating Places & Spaces That Matter”.
And though HARBORWORKS may be our first project, this is not our first or last rodeo.
As a Gannon& Benjamin boat owner with my son Tyler (LUCKY DUCK), investor in Tisbury Working Waterfront, first investor in SHENANDOAH 5+ years ago, and “Keeper of the Gold” (VLV Treasurer), I am dedicating the remainder of my time on planet earth to make Vineyard Haven Harbor much, much better for the next 100 years.
For the record, this is THE BEST IDEA with which I have ever been associated, and with 40+ years of business experience, the best ideas eventually get done.
Onward we go,
Vineyard Lands for Our Community
Please make this happen! I would walk from Oak Bluffs to Tisbury on my way to school early in the morning, wave at Louie Larson at the fish market, and look across at the industrial parks wondering why this was not developed into a beautiful vista. It would elevated the beauty that Tisbury already has in other areas and give a great view of the island for people disembarking from the ferry. Please don’t argue about the details! Make it work! Cole Powers and Andrew Flake are hardworking, caring men! So glad it is they who are helping with this!!
I was talking to my friend the other day who happens to be a founding member of the Vineyard Lands for the Community. (VLC) Board of Directors. He told me that his organization’s intentions for this project is to save the marine heritage of the Tisbury working waterfront. They also want to ensure that they, for the first time, will create public access to the waterfront and make spaces for all to celebrate.
He also told me that they are welcoming all the challenges necessary to do what is right for the community as well as the environment.
I cannot even imagine what it would be like to sail to Martha’s Vineyard, into Vineyard Haven Harbor and not see the Shenandoah anymore or the Gannon and Benjamin sailing fleet that they have built and maintain. They are a very significant part of the entire working waterfront. I am afraid if they fail we will all fail.
-Bobby Alfano
This is a wonderful idea for the waterfront, but I’d like to see space made for the schooner Shenandoah. She’s reaching the end of her useful life on the water, and Martha’s Vineyard Ocean Academy does not yet have sufficient funds to begin building her replacement. It’d be great if she could be put in drydock in Boch’s park where she can be used for landbased training and education, similar to programs in Mystic, CT and Greenwich, England, which has the Cutty Hunk on display.
I am happy that this proposal has got people to start thinking and put pen to paper on a solution to what I seem to think we all agree is a problem.
However, one thing that immediately comes to mind is why should the project need/recieve a PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) deal. Why not just build it a pay your fair share of what anyone else that builds in VH has to pay. Why do you need a PILOT deal to “pay our fair share” as was mentioned above by board member John McDonald.
Also, the degree to which MVTimes commenter emeritus, Don Keller, latches onto certain ideas as the lords gospel and savior of all man kind is disturbing. Enough so that when I do find myself agreeing with him, I pause and reflect on why I am agreeing with the kool-aid in chief around here so easily. Every “good” idea that gets floated around here should be considered, scrutinized and reflected upon for longer than the time it takes to smash the keyboard and press submit a few times a day. That goes for the wind, the harbor and any other “controversial” topic. We should use these comment boards to bounce ideas off each other, not preach, condescend, and bash ideas into each others heads. And with that, I’d like to say, in general, to all the Donnites: “Chill Bro”
Bill Simpson, you’re right about taking time to reflect and appreciate a problem before understanding what a solution might be. Don Keller mostly deals in factual information and not opinions. His frustration sometimes shows and maybe we all feel that way occasionally. I personally find it very interesting that the Chinese have electric cars:
1- four-door car, new, for $10k
2- fast charge 300 miles in ten minutes
3- car with bumper to bumper one million-mile warranty
Why don’t American car makers offer the same?
Bill– Thank you for your critique of me. I appreciate the feedback,
especially when it is well reasoned. But let me stay on topic here.
I have not in any way suggested that this is a bad idea.
i have questions– read my comments– There is nothing
Kool-Aid-ish about my comments.Yeah,ok perhaps about sea level
rise, if you have drank enough Kool-Aid to think it’s a fraud. —
That’s your opinion. I have mine– i try to back my opinions up with
facts– if you want to debate me about the facts surrounding
the windmills for example, I can present a reasonable fact
based argument for every point. Just to point out the most blatant
misinformation about the whales and the windmills,
i actually had to spend a considerable amount of time finding
out the grain of truth behind the obvious lie that NOAA had
permitted VW to kill 20 North Atlantic Right whales during
construction, Sorry– that’s not drinking Kool-Aid.
That’s providing the facts. That’s confronting lies.
Find something I have have lied about and I will apologize.
Sorry, but I’m not gonna sit here and “chill” while misinformation
and outright lies are spread about issues i care about.
And I certainly hope that the “Donnites” here will not back down
in the face of lies either.
My goodness, the late Ernie Boch, Sr., once scorned for his proposal for a park near Five Corners can now be re=branded as a visionary.
Good point John, and even Ernie Boch Jr was turned down for a simple, aesthetically pleasing parking lot in his space, which would have helped to alleviate parking problems in Vineyard Haven. Quite a change in tune now on what could be acceptable. If I read this right, the non-profit, if it is non-profit, means no taxes on a highly valuable space. This seems to have come from absolutely nowhere to me. I need to go back and read this again. Sounds like there are pros and cons everywhere here. It will be interesting to see what happens with this.
John– Ernie Boch Sr only opted for a “park” after the town
didn’t let him put a parking lot there. You were here when he
sarcastically had a sign made the said “Boch Park —– with just
enough room to add “ing” after the “K”. he never had any intention
of creating a park there. Ernie Junior actually did, over the
objections of the building department, and the town has so far
forbade Ernie Jr. to allow public access to it. Now, for some reason
they are all for putting an amphitheater there. Something stinks
about this project.
Let me be clear, I am all for the G&B boatyard going in there
It fits all the requirements and laws and spirit of the waterfront.
The rest of the project is questionable.
Boch was told no to parking as parked cars may leak what shouldn’t be part of our ocean. Maybe it’ll be Asphalt parking?So interesting how are seaside sailing community
Will look next? Will we need to be in building to see ocean?Will we start calling it 6 corners?
An effort to preserve our working waterfront and enhance the existing area? With this group of respected individuals at the helm? It often takes support and getting out the good word to see a project through to completion. I’m excited to learn more. Yes please.
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