Arthur P. Bergeron and Leah A. Kofos
Elder Law: ’Tis the Season (Tax Season, Not Christmas)
Every March I do a column with a set of tax reminders. Don’t consider this advice from a tax expert. Consider it advice to...
Elder Law with Frank and Mary: Moving
Moving. A word that brings fear to the hearts of most seniors. You’ve been in your home forever, but either you can’t manage it...
Elder Law with Frank and Mary: Give away what you don’t need; plan for...
The holiday season is right around the corner. If you are trying to think of that perfect gift for the loved one who doesn’t...
Elder Law: What’s Your Healthcare Plan for 2022?
The Medicare Open Enrollment period runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. It’s time to assess your health and plan your budget accordingly. The...
Elder Law: Keeping family feuds from becoming legal feuds
There are as many reasons for family feuds as there are families; all are unique. In most cases, but certainly not all, they are...
Elder Law: Planning to keep control
Does this dilemma sound familiar? On one hand, you want to keep control of your life and make all of your financial and medical...
Elder Law: Living with memory loss
Thirty years ago, my mother died in a nursing home. Back then, there weren’t open discussions or resources available to people with Alzheimer’s. There...
Elder Law: Taking care of the kids after you die
I spend a lot of time helping my clients with planning to ensure that they do not run out of money before they die....
Elder Law: Single? Check your estate plan. You’ll feel better.
No one relishes doing their estate planning, that is, figuring out how your possessions will be divided after you’re gone. What’s cheery about that?...
Elder Law: Living until you die
Sister Thea Bowman, a 19th century Black Catholic nun who lived in New Orleans, had a daily prayer that I often find myself repeating:...
Elder Law: Financial planning for seniors
Whom do you trust to give you financial planning advice? Your accountant? Your kids? The guy you have coffee with at Dunkin Donuts? Your...