CK Wolfson
Pottery party at Featherstone
This past Sunday, September 4, people gathered under a large white tent to participate in the Second Annual Potters Bowl.
Vineyard art happenings
What's going on at Featherstone, Louisa Gould, Old Sculpin, and Shephard Fine ArtSpace.
“Of light like intervals” show sparkled at Featherstone
14 sculptures and 10 giclee prints were the kinetic installation composed of LEDs, dichroic media, sensors, and robotics at Featherstone.
Reel Picks
In 1974, two years after the last official moon mission, the U.
Wind Festival launched at Featherstone
Despite last weekend's storm, the Wind Festival was launched at Featherstone on Friday, Aug. 26.
Once more: Labor Day Artisans Festival
The 16th Annual Labor Day Artisans Festival, marks the summer season's end with an extravagant display of the Island's artistic talents.
Glances at Martha’s Vineyard galleries
What's happening at Featherstone, Made Here on Martha's Vineyard, Shephard Fine ArtSpace, and Louisa Gould Gallery.
Close Up at Elizabeth Whelan Studio
Elizabeth Whelan, commissioned portraits, 508-560-0083.
Does pressure help or hurt an artist?
Artist Ken Vincent answers.
At Shaw Cramer: Spotlight on Art
Shaw Cramer Gallery presents two Spotlight Shows: the woodcut art of Ruth Kirchmeier and new paintings by Chilmark artist Wendy Weldon.
Reel Picks
The barbarian of the Hyborian Age sees his family murdered and village destroyed, and travels the gory path of mayhem and revenge, battling monsters, witches, and mercenary armies.
Featherstone’s Launch Party
Friday, August 26, Featherstone Center for the Arts Friday holds its Launch Party to accompany Saturday's Martha's Vineyard Wind Festival event.
The art of Suesan Stovall
On Sunday, Aug. 28, Suesan Stovall reveals her collection of new work at Groovy Sue's Gallery in Oak Bluffs.
Dragonfly’s Plein Air Painting Derby
Starting Thursday, Sept. 1, Dragonfly Gallery hosts a three-week long Plein Air Painting Derby, with about 20 invited artists participating.
Artist Cindy Kane: Politics, nature and the written word
Chilmark Library features a collaborative project by Cindy Kane and Pam Flam, who have created a 27-foot long banner of multi-media images.
Happening at Vineyard art galleries
Applications for membership in the Martha's Vineyard Art Association are being accepted.
Reel Picks
Nick (Jesse Eisenberg) is a small town pizza delivery guy whose quiet life changes when two clumsy criminals (Danny McBride and Nick Swardson) force him to rob a bank.
Close Up at
North Water Gallery, North Water Street, Edgartown
Along with Marian Halperin and S. Bailey Norton Jr., Martha's Vineyard Museum (MVM) will be awarding its Martha's Vineyard Medal to Francine Kelly, former director of Featherstone Center for the Arts.
Gay Head Gallery: Back for a cause
On Sunday, the Gay Head Gallery will celebrate its grand reopening with a fund raising exhibit for the VCS and the Moshup Trail Project.