Nancy Slonim Aronie
Writing from the Heart: Just the facts, ma’am
I love Mark Twain’s line, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” So here is a story of how...
Writing from the Heart: Accepting us
What other people think of me is none of my business, a mantra I repeat now and then just to remind myself to be...
Writing from the Heart: Preferences
The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.
The first time I read that statement, I was perusing snippets of the...
Writing from the Heart: Grandparents’ love
The difference between parenting and grandparenting is as wide a gap as a farmer is from an ear of corn.
My grandmother reached just above...
Writing from the Heart: Budding artist?
I hope you all get to age 82. For those of you who have passed this ancient number, you might know what I am...
Writing from the Heart: Aging is a full-time job
Aging is a full-time job.
I thought of that as a title while trudging through the woods yesterday. I say trudging because hiking is a...
Writing from the Heart: Different isn’t weird
The other night at a small dinner, one of our friends said she had just come back from Charlottesville, where she attended her 20th...
Writing from the Heart: Opposites attract
We've all heard the expression “opposites attract,” and I have to admit that my husband and I are almost the perfect example of that...
Writing from the Heart: Don’t jinx it
When I got married, my husband wasn't into sports — playing or watching. He didn't know the NBA from the NFL. And I loved...
Writing from the Heart: Christmas envy
Every year at this time ever since I’ve been a writer, I have written about my Christmas envy. How I wished I could go...
Writing from the Heart: Impermanence
My teacher, Ram Dass, used to tell a story about a guy who had a painting of a sunset. Most of the painting is...
Writing from the Heart: Now is the time
Many folks who take my Writing from the Heart workshop say they have been technical or medical writers, and just want to try being...
Writing from the Heart: And what does she do?
Yesterday I changed the toilet paper roll for the first time in 20 years. No, we haven't been using the same original roll for...
Writing from the Heart: Wishes aren’t warnings
“Be careful what you wish for” has been rolling around in my head forever. Because the way people would say it sounded as if...
Writing from the Heart: The middle way
Many, many years ago, I went to a meditation retreat, and at the end, we all lined up and one by one we each...
Writing from the Heart: Good enough
“What other people think of me is none of my business.”
A mantra I repeat now and then, just to remind myself to be myself....
Writing from the Heart: Slow down, Turbo
My son Dan used to look at me with a cute grin on his face and say “Mom, slow down, Turbo!” It became a...
Writing from the Heart: Right ranting
So you already know this is my husband’s...
Writing from the Heart: Compassion fatigue
A few years ago, a friend of ours was diagnosed with a rare blood disease. We didn’t even have to do a meal train....
Writing from the Heart: RIP, Alan Arkin
Was this the summer you did the stupidest thing ever?
No? Well, it was for me. I wrote a two-page letter to Alan Arkin. That...