Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Home Literary Arts Bedside Table

Bedside Table

Bedside Table: Brian Dowd

I have a lot of books in a lot of places around my small house. Some are on a bookshelf in an order I haven't quite figured out, others are stacked in front of...

Bedside Table:  Irene Ziebarth

All of the books on my bedside table were gifts of one kind or another: Christmas, birthdays, hostess gifts. The books I’ve bought myself are on my iPhone on Audible or iBooks. “Rin Tin Tin”...

Bedside Table: Britt Bowker

This isn’t actually a bedside table; it’s one of those cubed stacked storage units every kid seems to acquire before moving to college. They’re something like $20 at Target, easy to throw in your...

Bedside Table: Elaine Weintraub

Reading in bed is one of the most enjoyable ways to spend time. The pile of books beside my bed represents peace, tranquility and curiosity. As a young child, I discovered the world through...

Bedside Table: Connie Berry

I’m a late bloomer when it comes to my reading list; I’ve only just discovered some books that I’ve heard people talk about for years. And like the rest of my life, my list...

Bedside Table: Jamie Kageleiry

Ok— I'll admit it. I dusted first. I didn't touch the books. Having big books on top of smaller books makes me antsy, which isn't a good way to get yourself into sleep mode. These...

Bedside Table: Geoff Currier

These are quite literally the books that have been piling up on my bedside table for the past few months. At one point in my life I experimented with what could be called “sequential...

On the Bedside Table: Susan Levine

Taking this picture was a good excuse to throw out the detritus that collects on my night table (like last night's dental floss that I was too tired to get up and throw away)....

On the Bedside Table: Gabrielle Mannino

I should start by admitting this isn't actually my bedside table, as my apartment is too small to fit one. So instead, my books are mainly stored away in boxes, still unpacked from my...

On the Bedside Table: Chris Silva

As I write about what’s on my bedside table to read I must confess a fairly strong smartphone addiction. The phone isn’t there ‘cause I’m using it to take the pic (of course) but...

Bedside Table: Nicole Galland

First off, I have to fess up to owning an (early-generation) Kindle, which you can see poking out of the bottom of the pile; I almost never use it, but I recently got back...

Bedside Table: Lily Cowper

These books are not my all-time favorites; they are sitting here because I have ordered them off Amazon and now I must own them forever. I don’t know why I bought them, because I...

Bedside Table: Nancy Slonim Aronie

This is not my bedside table because it is too cold for us to read in bed. But it’s where the books and magazines and candles and cereal bowls are. It’s a small cabin....

Bedside Table: Perry Garfinkel

Quite a while ago my bedside table had runneth over with books, which spilleth onto nearby wicker chair waiting for a raison d'être. This pile reflects my severe case of ADD. I read mostly...

Bedside Table: Lynn Van Auken

Oak Bluffs resident Lynn Van Auken sent this to us on December 29, 2017. The top shelf books are either current reads or next-ups.  This month's OB School Library book is “Swim That Rock,” by...

On the Bedside Table: Cindy Kane

In late December, Tisbury resident Cindy Kane visited her husband Doron Katzman, who had recently sailed down to the Bahamas. For Vineyarders planning a getaway after this particularly rough patch of weather, we thought...

On The Bedside Table: Lara O’Brien

This week’s Bedside Table comes from Tisbury resident Lara O’Brien. The very best part of Christmas has been the gift of books from my children. Every year my son goes to the thrift store and...

On the bedside table

We’re ending the year with a new Friday feature about books. We’re calling it Bedside Table. We'd like to hear about what you’re reading and we invite you to send us a photo of...