Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Ava Castro

Ava Castro


Harvest of the Month: Mushrooms

Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties? Because he’s a fungi! Mushrooms are also delicious, simple to prepare, and packed with...

Harvest of the Month: Strawberries

Fresh, local strawberries make June a delicious month. Whenever I taste my first homegrown strawberry of the summer, I wonder how I tolerate grocery...

Harvest of the Month: Herbs

Herbs are one of my favorite types of plants to grow and cook with. Just a small amount can completely change the taste of...

Harvest of the Month: Dried Beans

This week for Meatless Monday, consider including beans. Beans are packed with protein as well as fiber, iron, and potassium. Some popular varieties are...

Harvest of the Month: Whole Grains

Get the new year off to a healthy start by incorporating more whole grains into your diet this month! A whole grain contains three...

Harvest of the Month: Root vegetables

As the weather gets colder and fresh produce becomes harder to find, root vegetables are my go-to for an easy, healthy meal. Because they...

Harvest of the Month: Cranberries

When I think of crops that Massachusetts is known for, cranberries are the first to come to mind. Cranberries require specific conditions to grow...

Harvest of the Month: Jiló

Jiló is a type of eggplant that’s often used in Brazilian cooking. About the size of a large egg, jiló turns from green to...

Harvest of the Month: Mushrooms

Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties? Because he’s a fungi! Mushrooms are also delicious, simple to prepare, and packed with...

Harvest of the Month: Strawberries

Fresh, local strawberries makes June a delicious month. Whenever I taste my first strawberry from the garden, I wonder how I tolerate grocery store...

Harvest of the Month: Dried beans

During the cold winter months, with little fresh local produce available, it can be a challenge to eat healthy. Dried beans are available year-round...

Harvest of the Month: Fermented foods

Fermentation is responsible for some of the most delicious foods and beverages around, like kefir, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha, sourdough bread, tempeh, miso,...

Harvest of the Month: Kohlrabi

If you looked at this month’s Harvest of the Month poster and thought “What on Earth is that?” you aren’t alone. Kohlrabi is a...

October Harvest of the Month: Cranberries

This month we celebrate the cranberry — one of only three fruits native to North America in commercial cultivation.  Cranberries have specific growing conditions...

Harvest of the Month: Tomatoes

It’s that time of year when tomatoes of every size, shape, and color are everywhere. From tiny cherries to colorful heirlooms the size of...

Harvest of the Month: Peas

With June comes the official start of summer, and the first ripe crops of the season. Among them are peas, June’s harvest of the...

Harvest of the Month: Seafood

As a child, I spent a lot of time with my dad on his oyster farm in Edgartown. I didn’t enjoy oysters as much...

Harvest of the Month: Eggs

It’s March, which means spring is on the way! The weather might say otherwise, but the proof is in the snowdrops beginning to sprout...

Harvest of the Month: Honey

Honey has been used as a food and medicine for thousands of years. Bees make honey by collecting nectar from flowers and mixing it...

Harvest of the Month: Whole grains

We know whole grains are healthy for us, but what actually makes them different from refined grains? A whole grain contains three parts —...