Friday, February 14, 2025

Letters to the Editor

What’s up with the Y

We are anxiously waiting for the grand opening of the YMCA.

How Oak Bluffs has spent CPA money

To the Editor:There were public comments about the spending of the Oak Bluffs community preservation committee at the Oak Bluffs annual town meeting that I would like to clarify.

Bike paths need tending

I have always felt the bike paths on M.

Conserve, don’t generate

I have read what seems to be an endless stream of letters about how to generate more electricity for the Island (and the country in general) while protecting the environment and the Island lifestyle.

A revolution of love

I graduated from MVRHS in 1984.

Just a few

Our Island is now faced with a proliferation of wind power projects, on and offshore, which it should be.

Rethink our energy path

America, with only five percent of the world's population, consumes 25 percent of the world's oil, coal, natural gas, and uranium.

Can’t stop till they stop

At the risk of turning off readers, the Chappaquiddick bike path battle continues.

Goose, geese, and ganders

I applaud last week's editorial advocating a potential park, instead of a commercial development on the Lagoon in Tisbury.

Bring back the bird feeder

To the Editor:This is a note to the thieves who made off with our bird feeders.

Good works in Nicaragua

To the Editor:With love from Nicaragua.

She won’t drive again

I have just recovered from my first and last automobile accident that was my fault, while driving at 90 and a half years old with perfect eyesight, after driving thousands of miles in four states (Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey) and since 1995 full-time on Martha's Vineyard.

Unsung heroes, now sung

The Council On Aging in Oak Bluffs is fortunate to have Rose Cogliano and Susan Von Steiger on board.

The books are flowing in

To the Editor:As a member of the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs, I'd like to thank The Times and Megan Alley for posting our call for used books in recent Oak Bluffs columns.

Growing costs of wind energy plan

The articles this week about the Vineyard Power Co-op's site-planning meeting raised two concerns for me.

An alternative, alternative energy source

After living on Martha's Vineyard for more than 20 years, I have come to believe that because we are an island, we have the unique ability and now, a window of opportunity, to become self-sustaining by creating our own electrical power.

Not an endorsement

I sent this letter to Mark London and Paul Foley of the Martha's Vineyard Commission and to Sam Dunn, the developer.

Shellfishermen provide a valuable service

To the Editor:The article entitled "Oak Bluffs shellfishermen air gripes, reap rewards" (May 6) perhaps missed the point.

Cafe Moxie on hold

Disappointing to say the least, but 48 Main Street in Vineyard Haven, the site of Cafe Moxie, is probably losing another season.