Monthly Archives: September 2011
Martha’s Vineyard readers consider colonialism
Philip Weinstein, an English professor at Swarthmore College, will teach a course this fall to Island readers, based on four novels.
10th anniversary for Edgartown Lighthouse children’s memorial
A special place at the mouth of Edgartown Harbor honors children, both from the Island and far away, whose lives ended way too soon.
West Tisbury
September has always been my favorite month, the most beautiful, and the beginning of time spread in front of me.
Oak Bluffs
It's that time or year again when the children head back to school after a long summer break.
The prevalence of yellow buses, lunch boxes, sharpened number 2 pencils, and shiny red apples, as well as neon-clad crossing guards on every corner can mean only one thing: the school bells are ringing once again.
Well, for the third year in a row Buddy Vanderhoop was denied the experience of taking the President fishing.
Many thanks to Lorraine Parish for her delightful window featuring some of our favorite first ladies.
Flags were flying as bagpipes played at the last Flanders Field softball game of the 2011 season.
Thanks from the Edgartown Library Foundation
I realize I am not much of a public speaker, but I'm working on that skill.
A most educational conversation
Many thanks to Wampanoag Tribal Cultural Council director Linda Coombs for hosting Geraldine Brooks at the Vanderhoop Homestead this past Wednesday.
About the walk
After winning the 24th annual Sullivan Walk for Health and Fitness for the fourth year in a row, I was excited to see my name in the paper, but, as always, your sports coverage was lacking.
Urges MVC not to approve roundabout
I attended the Martha's Vineyard Commission (MVC) hearing on September 1, on the roundabout proposal for the Vineyard Haven–Edgartown Road intersection with Barnes Road.
Difficult topics engaged in Aquinnah
Yesterday evening I was fortunate enough to attend a conversation between Linda Coombs, the director of the Aquinnah Cultural Center, and Geraldine Brooks, author of the recent novel, "Caleb's Crossing.
Food stamp number too high
Frank Tuttle is free to hold a low opinion of President Obama and The Times to publish it
Summer think
This is a compilation of a bunch of letters I wanted to write this summer but was too busy.
Not being one for sentimentality, here I go, for the first time.
Rupert the rooster, etc.
Despite the fact that there is a Tisbury town ordinance; (Article 13, Amendment 04.
Roundabout is a wasteful, wrong choice
A new roundabout for the intersection of Barnes Road and Vineyard Haven-Edgartown Road was discussed in a public hearing before the MVC (Martha's Vineyard Commission) Thursday night.
Comcast ignores Chappy
Comcast spokesman Marc Goodman said the following in the
Refreshing and unguarded speech on taxes
Unguarded speech is so rare now, it is refreshing to encounter it, free of any hedging or evasion.