Saturday, January 25, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Unsightly, unsustainable, and unsafe

For years Islanders and local organizations have struggled to balance preservation and conservation of the Island and the special way of life that we all love with the development necessary to sustain economic opportunities for residents.

No to three-wheelers

To the Oak Bluffs selectmen, please deny the approval of rental three-wheeled vehicles in our town.

Action needed to reverse TTOR decision

The fishing community on the Vineyard needs to be aware that they are losing an outstanding fishing friend and supporter.

Exemplary public service

The West Tisbury Parks and Recreation Committee should be commended for their professionalism and wisdom in amicably resolving a potentially inflammatory dog-related problem at Lambert's Cove Beach.

I’m on vacation, rules are optional

Each week in the summer I'm amazed and bemused that there are not more deaths reported.

A place to protect

Thank you for publishing my letter last week regarding the forum at the Chilmark Center this past Sunday to discuss the 166 wind turbines proposed by Gov.

Lock your bikes

We arrived at our grandfather's house at 84 William Street in Vineyard Haven last Sunday night at about 11 pm.

Two who mattered to me

With retirement approaching from my position as outreach worker at the Edgartown Council on Aging, I am reminded of something my favorite philosophy professor used to say, "We all stand on the shoulders of someone else.

So many are angry and defiant

Yesterday, someone told me that I was uninformed about the government and President Obama.

Insurance for loved pets

I always enjoy the MV Times and am especially fond of Michelle Jasny's weekly column, Visiting Veterinarian.

Alternative bike route has its auto speed and volume too

This letter was written to the Tisbury selectmen.

Chopper interference

I sure hope the National Guard helicopter crew enjoyed the very close view of my vegetable gardens at my farm.

A great surgical experience

I want to say a big thank you for a recent scheduled surgery at the new Martha's Vineyard Hospital.

No help from the vets

I am writing this letter out of sadness as well as anger.

Not reform at all

Why do we want the state's Wind Energy Siting Reform Act? This act, I believe, was given part of its name — "Reform Act" — to confuse the voters of Massachusetts.

Bike path expansion needed

Following the recent bicycle tragedy in Vineyard Haven, there has been increased interest and attention paid on the Island to the issue of bicycle safety.

Fishing pier is a wonderful idea

While I am an avid reader of the electronic posts on The Times web site, I usually only comment to clarify misconceptions regarding wastewater issues.

Thanks and appreciation

There are no words that can fully express our sincere sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Dececca family, their friends and the community of Melrose for their loss.

After the fire, rescues continue

There were many heroes on July 12, putting out the fire in Menemsha and saving boats.

So many to thank

On behalf of the Tri-Town Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services responders who came from all over the Island to help at the recent fire in Menemsha, we offer our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the wonderful Menemsha businesses and members of the community, who without hesitation gave everything they could give to assist us and the firefighters.