Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Poet's Corner

Poet’s Corner: The New Normal

Where we used to stop and share we now shout six feet apart or mime to one another muted under heavy cotton This is our new normal Working from home, teaching ourselves to bake bread, planting our gardens, driving less we find...

Poet’s Corner: Coronaikus

Coronaikus By Michael Oliveira upon reflection that mirror guy is starting to get on my nerves heh heh heh heh heh staccato delivery helicopter laugh the past behind me yet the nagging feeling it’s going to lap me loved the Lone Ranger when young: now I...

Poet’s Corner: Fridge Contents Writing Assignment

Fridge Contents Writing Assignment By Nancy Slonim Aronie I have reams and reams of paper In case I write a book But now with time and this assignment My fridge I'll take a look Oy, all I see is heavy cream Organic,...

Poet’s Corner: Out of an Abundance of Caution

Out of an Abundance of Caution By Fan S. Ogilvie I regret to inform you that life as it never was is closed for repairs for cleaning for more agreeable and compatible existence with all creatures of this...

Poet’s Corner

Two Poems by Gerald Storrow The appetites we brought To dinner at our house Were small. Food was good, But what we wished to eat, Beyond the veggies and the meat, Wasn't on the bill of fare at all: Meaning for...

Poet’s Corner

I Am the Hug By Don McLagan I am the hug you didn’t get — the bosom-soft embrace, a rugged chest-bump that didn’t press your heart. There are no arms to sweep you up like Dad’s when he came home. There is...

I’m not jealous now

Welcome back to the Poet's Corner. Please submit your original poetry to ldroosevelt@gmail.com.

I’m not jealous now

I will cling in his memory for a while As a terrible being, a hungry pig All my emotions sunk at the bottom of a dank well Of taciturn suspicion He will say to himself ‘I do not...


You’re doing a crossword. I’m working on a puzzle. Do you love me enough? What’s the missing word? Do I love you enough? Where’s the missing piece? Yesterday I was cross with you. You weren’t paying enough attention. You were cross with...

Poet’s Corner

To: my second hand man By Annabelle Hackney   I know that I am sun sweet, but it’s January & sometimes (diagonal from often) I consider what it’s like to not know the difference between a body and a...


By Susan Thompson   It’s quiet out here in February The light on the water is glassy Smooth as a mirror Listen intently You can hear the hum of a faraway boat But there is no sign of it Just a line...

Poet’s Corner: Wake up call

Fan Ogilvie has published two books of poems, “You” and “Easinesses Found,” several chapbooks, including “The Other Side of the Hill” and “In this Place,” and a memoir, “Knot a Life.” She is planning...

Blue Bronco

Down old Oyster Pond Road where the bayliner waits we drive Blue Bronco past Athearn's farm and past the broken fence off graded trail and onto mushy march our tires spinning in green, mossy mud we arrive at The Breach where...

Big puff

By Betty Robbie   ‘See that big puff coming?’ Your words in my voice, Delivered to my 5 year old charges, On your water, 80 years later.   ‘You’re pinching!’ ‘Pull it in, ease out until it luffs,’ ‘Hike out, let everything go before...


It’s snowed every day since you left, the sky sloughing flakes as you’ve shed me, thick and fast. I’ll walk outside, leave a trail of prints as proof of my feet; back in the kitchen’s yellow warmth, as snow...

Poet’s Corner

breath By Clark Myers think of your ribs as bricks stepped toward the sky think of your breath as smoke and your love toward your loved as late night embers think of your heart as bellows and kindling our place here is to burn...

Poet’s Corner

Christmas in Sarasota By Don McLagan It’s not Currier & Ives here. The set sun silhouettes palms and fishermen with their evening nets. The reflection of Christmas wrinkles warm on the bay.   No doubt local kids find nothing amiss and nestle...

Our Year

Despite the appearances we have no cause for despair no need to count misfortunes no point in bemoaning this year no value in fearing what's to come   Do we really believe that with all we possess within and all we've gained...

Poet’s Corner

The fountains are frozen Dec. 1, 2018 By Amarylis Douglas,   The fountains are frozen. The Buddha has tears. December first, National AIDS Day: so many years back, back in the throes of the epidemic, every artist, every painter, every designer, every...