Sunday, February 16, 2025

Poet's Corner

Poet’s Corner

The Crash of the MV Nantucket Winter 1977 By E. Hass This captain has had way too much to drink The fog rolls in; he cannot see the shore. We pray the Vineyard ferry will not sink. The water is...

Poet’s Corner

her realm By Michael Oliveira she sees the ghosts of grey cats from the corners of her eyes; her former present and future selves met on a stairwell in the not so distant past; the trinity completed; she yearns for one not yet born I stand at the curb as her parade goes by Michael...

Poet’s Corner

Everywhere There’s a Path By Zach Wiesner Everywhere there’s a path There’s a traveler. Everywhere there’s a hill There’s a climber. Everywhere there’s a beginning There’s a beginner. Everywhere there’s a beginner, There’s hope. Zach Wiesner lives in West Tisbury. Poets with a connection to...

Poet’s Corner

Wicked wind, lovely breeze By Nancy Langman The wind whips And twists and swirls Bending trees And scaring squirrels Its vicious sound Keeps all awake Boats in dock So much at stake It knows no grace Respects no trees But over time Becomes just a breeze Nancy Langman...

Poet’s Corner

Grievances By Alida O’Loughlin Grievances, they now have gripped the country Like a vise around its heart And in anger and resentment Tearing all of us apart Grievances, where do they come from? In the word, there is the Grief Feelings that...

Poet’s Corner

Sleep By Liz Kelner Pozen The last good night’s sleep I had was over twenty years ago when we visited friends in the mountains up north. We had a lovely day of walking in the woods feeding fish in the pond eating cookies on...

Poet’s Corner

Yesterday By Michael Oliveira opened mouth twirling in my driveway to catch a snowflake on my tongue Michael Oliveira has lived and worked on Martha’s Vineyard for decades. He currently lives in East Falmouth. Poets with a connection to Martha’s...

Poet’s Corner

A Week Later after January 6, 2021 By Don McLagan A week later with live coverage videos and selfies we see where we have arrived shit-smeared footprints down the Capitol hallway confederate flags paraded through the Rotunda “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirts roaming the chambers rioters with...

Poet’s Corner

the giving tempest By Ellen Martin Story battered a winter window whistles sweetly as ice sprites crochet crystals on its fissured panes Ellen Martin Story is a member of the Cleaveland House Poets. Her work has previously appeared in the Poet’s Corner....

Poet’s Corner

Collective Calamity By Gail DeNicola I’m a country girl now Walking the dirty Covid-cleared streets of New York Snippets of phone conversations shoot by All about Covid, tested? Not? Visiting? Bringing food? What kind of holiday is this so glad...

Poet’s Corner

Just when I thought how surrendered and at peace I was with your choice to go gently into this God night a fierce wind rose up in my gut a hurricane of now what came pouring down the gutters of my...

Poet’s Corner

Quarantine November By Beth Parker Tension headache, nervous gut, plus scratchy throat brought on by furnace heat and nighttime mouth-breathing all adds up to feeling crappy enough to suspect the dread contagion, which fear only tightens the vise-grip on shoulders and neck. Do I...

Poet’s Corner

Weekends By Linda Vancour Winter has arrived outside our house The chilly weather as quiet as a mouse We are upstairs snuggled in our bed Ignoring the cold creeping into our head Our ears and nose getting red bright Oh no...

Poet’s Corner

Before Christmas By Clark Myers Early December now and dark before three. Let’s toboggan the weeks to the shortest day. The snow will raft over the curved prow and sting our faces through scarves and pulled down hats. And cake on Bedouin eyes slit against the...

Poet’s Corner

Winter Solstice 2020 By Don McLagan Like a gray wave flooding ashore, winter spills over the solstice. Holiday lights brighten the door but greet no family. Virus swirls, ballots churn and justice skitters like a candy wrapper blown across the beach. Unfelt, the...

Poet’s Corner

A Plover Nests in the Dune By Lucas Thors In the beach grass where the sloping sand shifts with ants and the pup escapes from his owner’s leash The Plover chick rests in the scrape. The mother scatters shells and...

Poet’s Corner

The Thrill Will Return By Fan Ogilvie If I should die before I wake Show me the paths I love to take. When all the COVID has fizzled like The body of the wicked witch of Oz There will be...

Poet’s Corner

Two Poems by Zach Wiesner I Am Made in God’s Image Clearly I am made in God’s image. I don’t take care of my belongings either. Economy of Words I don’t seek economy of words Perhaps I’m not by nature a poet But a...

Poet’s Corner

A Poem inside Our Long-Distance Relationship From Martha’s Vineyard  By James Miller When I think of this lovely earth and how a pen has given birth to the bright language of the stars, I know then that you are not...

Poet’s Corner

Veterans Day Commemoration By Linda Zeltzer The commemoration I speak of is life and war as well our men and women who fight the wars return or not from hell. Their sacrifice of life or limb or sight or sound as well our men...