Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Appreciating our Island bookstores

To the Editor: What better way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon during a spring that is far too delayed for my liking than browsing in a bookstore — Edgartown Books, to be exact? The...

Both sides responsible for peace

To the Editor: I am writing in reply to David Mintz's letter regarding student protests and the war in Gaza. It's so easy to call for a ceasefire, but what is your endgame? What do...

Island seniors face tax disparity

To the Editor: This letter was sent to state lawmakers representing the Islands. As the Island coordinator for the volunteer AARP Tax Aide program for nearly 20 years, and as a retired tax attorney, I am...

Appreciation for local spa 

To the Editor: I am a former Island resident and nurse at M.V. Hospital, and I still spend a part of my summer here and visit many times during the year, as my heart, like...

Smooth ride on the SSA

To the Editor: We often hear disparaging comments about the Steamship Authority, so it feels good to compliment good service. I sold my 1948 Jeepster to a man in America, and had to get the car...

It isn’t just whales hurt by fishing

To the Editor: Did your lobster kill a whale? The chances are higher than you might think. Entanglement from discarded lobster fishing gear is one of the biggest threats to North Atlantic right whales and...

Time to get rid of gas-powered lawn care

To the Editor: Just when the weather has finally improved enough to sit quietly on my porch and read, or doze, the peacefulness is constantly shattered by the most obnoxious noise, that of gas-powered landscaping...

Appreciation for Earth Day helpers

To the Editor: On behalf of the staff and board at the Vineyard Conservation Society, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Island community for making this year one of our best...

Commend students for courage

To the Editor: I thank you for your article about the students from Martha’s Vineyard who have observed and participated in campus protests calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. It should be emphasized that this...

Pride for student activists

To the Editor:  As a former social studies teacher at MVRHS, I am so excited and proud of those graduates who took the time to share with our Island community what is happening at their...

Student protestors should heed history

To the Editor: To those students on Martha’s Vineyard who call Israel genocidal and accuse it of indiscriminate killing of so-called Palestinians, I would say the following: There is no modern comparison to Israel's war...

Appreciative for help decarbonizing home

To the Editor: We're about to make an investment in a heat pump. Before committing to a particular solution, we had numerous thorny technical and financial questions. Since ACE MV (Adult and Continuing Education MV),...

Concern for Edgartown swimming path

To the Editor: We are writing to object to the development of the proposed Swimming Place Path connecting Herring Creek Road and Road to the Plains. We currently own a home at 20 Deacon Vincent Way,...

A warning to protestors

To the Editor: Despite what may motivate them, participants in the current protests might ultimately find themselves responsible for resurrecting the weird ghost of the Third Reich.   Michael F. Fontes West Tisbury

Make town meetings more efficient

To the Editor: I’m writing to support Dean Rosenthal regarding his Letter to the Editor about town meetings on the Vineyard (“Important articles should come sooner at town meeting,” April 24), and to offer my...

Compliments for SSA complaints resolution official

To The Editor: In April you published my letter, “No decency on public transport.” I am pleased to report that the next day I was contacted by the SSA general counsel and complaints resolution official...

Support public access on publicly funded projects

To the Editor: A few thoughts on a recent editorial (“Through the rancor, Chilmark finds compromise,” April 24). Here are a few quotes from it: “A ragged edge that too often separates summer residents from...

Enough of the clear-cutting

To the Editor: Dirt. Mounds of dirt, vast expanses of dirt. Heaps of dirt are replacing trees, rabbits, birds, chipmunks, squirrels, grass, wildflowers, bees’ nests, etc., all along the Vineyard Haven–Edgartown Road.  Excavators, bulldozers, backhoes, forklifts,...

Important articles should come sooner at town meeting

Updated, April 26 To the Editor: The issue of bringing up important warrant articles earlier in town meeting is a salient point. By the end of town meeting, people are tired, and warrant articles are more...

Thanks for generosity to local businesses

To the Editor: The Greenhouse of Martha's Vineyard, formerly COMSOG, is a nonprofit community organization that aims to promote gardening, growing organic food, and sustainable agriculture. On behalf of the board of directors, I would...